Tip studi 7: BrainstormingIni adalah teknik studi lain yang ideal untu terjemahan - Tip studi 7: BrainstormingIni adalah teknik studi lain yang ideal untu Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

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Tip studi 7: Brainstorming

Ini adalah teknik studi lain yang ideal untuk belajar dengan teman-teman dan / atau teman sekelas. Brainstorming adalah cara yang bagus untuk memperluas setiap ide yang mungkin keluar dari topik apapun. Hanya mendapatkan sekelompok teman-teman bersama-sama dan menembak angin, tidak ada jawaban yang salah ketika melakukan brainstorming - hanya berbicara dan menangkap ide-ide, saya dapat meninjau sesudahnya.

Beberapa ide yang terdengar besar sebelum akan dikesampingkan langsung setelah sementara yang lain yang terdengar gila sebelum akan terlihat memiliki janji besar. Menggunakan Peta Pikiran adalah cara yang ideal untuk menangkap semua info ini karena mencerminkan sifat eksplosif proses berpikir Saya.


Tip studi 8: Mnemonic Aturan

Mnemonik yang sangat berguna ketika menghafal daftar dan set. Aturan mnemonik pada dasarnya bekerja dengan menghubungkan konsep-konsep tertentu dengan konsep lain yang lebih akrab bagi kita. Ada banyak cara yang berbeda untuk membuat jembatan keledai dan ini dapat individu untuk orang tersebut.

Sebuah contoh klasik adalah 'Richard of York Memberi pertempuran di Vain'. Aturan Mnemonic ini adalah untuk mengingat warna primer: Merah, Orange, Kuning, Hijau, Biru, Indigo dan Violet.


Tip studi 9: Mengorganisir Studi Saya

Salah satu kemampuan belajar yang paling efektif adalah juga salah satu yang paling sering diabaikan; ini menyelenggarakan studi Saya. Membuat jadwal studi memberikan tujuan dan waktu di mana untuk mencapainya. Memiliki jadwal studi yang Saya belajar adalah sangat motivasi. ExamTime memiliki Study alat Planner gratis yang membuat pengorganisasian belajar Saya sangat mudah.

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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
Study tip 7: BrainstormingThis is another study techniques that are ideal for learning with friends and/or classmates. Brainstorming is a great way to expand any ideas that might come out of any topic. Just get a bunch of friends together and shoot the breeze, there are no wrong answers when brainstorm-just talking and capture ideas, I can review later.Some ideas that sound great before will be ruled out immediately after while others who sound crazy before it will be seen to have great promise. Using mind map is an ideal way to capture all of this info because it reflects the explosive nature of My thought process. Tip 8: Mnemonic study RulesVery useful when Mnemonik memorizing lists and sets. Rule mnemonik basically works by linking certain concepts with other concepts that are more familiar to us. There are many different ways to create a mnemonic and these can be individual to that person.A classic example is ' Richard of York Gave battle in Vain '. The rules of this Mnemonic is to remember the primary colors: red, Orange, yellow, green, blue, Indigo and Violet. Study Tip 9: Organising my studiesOne of the most effective study skills is also one of the most often overlooked; It organizes my study. Make a schedule for study purposes and the time in which to accomplish it. Have a schedule of study which I learn is very motivational. ExamTime has a Study tool Planner free that makes organizing My Learning very easy. 
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Study Tip 7: Brainstorming This is another study that ideal technique to study with friends and / or classmates. Brainstorming is a great way to expand any ideas that might come out of any topic. Just get a bunch of friends together and shoot the breeze, there is no wrong answer when brainstorming - just talking and catching ideas, I can review later. Some ideas that sounded great before it will be ruled out immediately after while others are sounding crazy before it will be seen to have great promise. Using Mind Maps are an ideal way to capture all of this information because it reflects the explosive nature of the thought process I. Tip study 8: Rules Mnemonic Mnemonics are very useful when memorizing lists and sets. Mnemonics rules basically works by connecting certain concepts with other concepts that are more familiar to us. There are many different ways to create mnemonics and these can be individual to that person. A classic example is 'Richard of York Gave Battle in Vain'. Mnemonic rule is to remember the primary colors: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet. Tip study 9: Organizing Study I One of the most effective study skills is also one of the most often overlooked; I have organized studies. Make a study schedule gives purpose and the time in which to achieve it. Has a study schedule that I learned was very motivational. ExamTime has free Study Planner tool that makes organizing learning I am very easy.



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