The stages in developing a model learning device according to Kemp, (1994: 9) is described as follows: 1. Instructional Problems (Problem Study). At this stage, the analysis of the problem based learning objectives contained in the curriculum that applies to the study of materials that will be developed the device. 2. Leaner Characteristics (Student Characteristics). At this stage, the analysis of the characteristics of students who will be the implementation of the device. Characteristics may include traits, abilities, and experience both as individuals and as a group. Source to obtain the characteristics of students, among others, the teacher, the principal or the relevant documents. Personal characteristics like age, attitude, and perseverance of the lesson. 3. Task Analysis (Analysis Task) Task analysis is detailed course content taught in outline form to master the contents of study materials or learn skills that include cognitive skills, psychomotor skills, and social skills. This task analysis includes the analysis of the structure of the content, procedural analysis, concept analysis, and processing of information. The analysis is done by looking at the structure of the content of the curriculum whereas procedural analysis is the analysis tasks undertaken by identifying the stages of completion of tasks in order to obtain a map of the task. The analysis concepts idenfying dilakukann with the main concepts to be taught and systematically arranged in the order of presentation and detailing concepts relevant concepts. Results of this analysis will be obtained map concept. Analysis of information processing performed to classify the tasks to be carried out by students during the learning takes place taking into account the allocation of time. Analysis of this information processing will produce coverage concepts or tasks that will be taught in the learning set out in the learning plan. 4. Instructional Objectives (Formulating Learning Objectives) Formulation of learning objectives are specific learning objectives (learning outcome indicators) obtained from the analysis performed on stage goal of learning problems. 5. Content Squencing (Sequence Learning Materials) At this stage, the contents of the subject to be taught sorted first. According to Posner and Strike (Kemp, 1994: 104) there are five aspects that need to be considered in sequencing the subject that is the prerequisite knowledge, familiarity, difficulties, interests, and student progress. After the contents of the subject are sorted, the next step is to determine a strategy early learning. 6. Instructional Strategies (Strategy Learning) Learning strategy used describe the sequence and methods to achieve the goals set. General criteria for the selection of teaching and learning strategies towards justice in accordance with the specific instructional objectives are: Efficiency Effectiveness Economic Practicality, through an analysis of alternatives 7. Instructional Delivery (for Delivery of Learning) Methods of delivery is determined by objective and learning environment, which can be traditional, group, or individual. 8. Evaluation Instrumens (Instrument) instrument ratings (achievement test) is based on specific learning objectives that have been formulated. Assessment criteria do is reference benchmark assessment that achievement test developed to be able to measure the level of achievement of specific learning objectives. This evaluation is necessary to control and assesses the success of the overall program, namely: Students Program Instructional Instruments evaluation / test methods. 9. Instructional Resources (Learning Resources) Factors to be considered in making the media that will be used, namely the availability of commercial, procurement costs, and time to provide fun for students. 10. Revision (Revision Devices) Revision learning device is intended to evaluate and improve the learning tools developed. The revision is done through a phase of study by experts, the results of the simulation study, the test results I and II test results. 11. Formative Evaluation (Formative Assessment) Formative assessment is the assessment carried out after every one unit of the learning process. This assessment is useful to find weaknesses in the learning plan so that any deficiencies can be avoided before the program is widely used. 12. Planning (Planning) and Project Management (Project Management) technical aspects of planning greatly influence the success of the design of the development. Plan learning is a complex process that requires software developers to always pay attention to each element and continually reassess the relationship of each part of the plan to the whole system, because each element can affect the development of other elements. 13. Summative Evaluation (Assessment Summative) Summative assessment aimed at measuring how far the learning outcomes of the major reached at the end of the entire study, may also be activities to follow up the student after he completed a course of study to determine whether and how it uses and apply the knowledge, skills, and attitudes learned in the learning program. 14. Support Services (Support Services) Supporting services include the availability of budget, facilities, materials, equipment, the ability of the staff, faculty, instructional designers, experts, and others.
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