Ki Hajar Dewantara or who have the name Raden Mas Soewardi Soerjaningrat origin, he was born in Yogyakarta on May 2, 1889 and died in 1959 Yogya is also right on 26 April. Ki Hajar Dewantara also is one of the most active in the world of education with His proven in establishing the Taman Siswa school. Student Park is one of the educational institutions which provide opportunities for indigenous people, especially the poor in order to attend school or receive education as well as orang2 were at the time. Ki Hajar Dewantara motto. With so many services he gave to the nation of Indonesia's then on every date of birth, he was always at commemorated as National Education Day. It is like a motto which he uttered Tut Ki Hajar Dewantara Wuri Hand, which is now one of the slogans for the National Education in Indonesia. In addition to the above names Ki Hajar Dewantara also immortalized into a warship that was named after him, namely KRI Ki Hajart Dewantara. Even if we look into the face of the past era, he also had to decorate one of our paper money where his face immortalized on selambar banknotes with denominations of 20,000 rupiah, around 1998. Ki Hajar Dewantara sediri in teteapkan as one of the national heroes yanh to 2 Our first President, Mr. Soekarno was written on the letter of Presidential Decree 305 of 1959, date of 28 November 1959.
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