Strong determination that makes me dare to try to take the Russian scholarship, such as quotations in Latin occasio aegre offertur, facile amittitur. (Publilius Syrus, Sententia 449). Right opportunities rarely come apart easily (we easily lose the right opportunity it). For that I take advantage of this opportunity. all was not separated from the support of the school, the family, especially the parents who helped in the preparation of the file and give permission to continue his studies in Russia. "studying in a foreign country, to build their own country" that's my goal at the same motivation. Design or architectural design environment is a department that I choose Maybe in Indonesia is better known by the name of spatial planning. What I do know the science studying how to design or redesign a pattern of such composition space between parks, industrial areas, residential areas in order to neatly .ilmu is indispensable for developing countries such as Indonesia in doing development. Indonesia is a vast archipelago that is in need of an efficient architectural design environment so arranged once prevalent in each area. Examples of conditions of the capital Jakarta, every place haphazardly constructed buildings so as to create a solid environment and seem seedy, this is a portrait of environmental irregularities in Indonesia. In fact, if arranged properly will create a neat and comfortable environment for the community, it also can be overcome or minimize the occurrence of eviction. It also will have a special attraction for tourists, like the cities in Russia as St.Petersburg and Moscow. All of this can not be separated from its human resources. Humans as a designer or stylist should have the skills or knowledge of complex design, that have aesthetic value, comfort, and a healthy environment. Architectural Design Environment requires mathematical skills and ability to organize. Mathematics is a field that I wrestled. Through effort, I gained valuable experience as a race provincial level mathematics. And I think is needed in the design calculations. There is also through a poster contest, I had the opportunity to attend training of national spatial planning in Bali in 2014. Several other activities as listed in Appendix earlier. "Our personalities are formed depending on the environment" Living in a boarding school has made me different from sebelumnya.Mulai of attitude, character and also the pattern of my life formed there .Modal ability take care of themselves or even independence I get .It became one of the advantages, because of course it is very necessary especially if you continue to study Russian. Some of my plans after completing his studies in Russia which pstinya back to Indonesia to build and fix the existing development, especially rural areas such special my home area is a priority for the region still have vacant land and needs to be done so that orderly development is also equivalent to other areas or uneven.
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