Serangan yang dilaksanakan pada tanggal 1 Maret 1949 terhadap kota Yog terjemahan - Serangan yang dilaksanakan pada tanggal 1 Maret 1949 terhadap kota Yog Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

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Serangan yang dilaksanakan pada tanggal 1 Maret 1949 terhadap kota Yogyakarta pada masa penjajahan Belanda (yang kemudian terkenal dengan sebutan Serangan Umum 1 Maret) dilakukan secara besar-besaran. Serangan yang direncanakan dan dipersiapkan oleh jajaran tertinggi militer di wilayah Divisi III/GM III—dengan mengikutsertakan beberapa pucuk pimpinan pemerintah sipil setempat—berdasarkan instruksi dari Panglima Besar Soedirman, bertujuan untuk membuktikan kepada dunia internasional bahwa TNI dan Republik Indonesia masih ada dan cukup kuat.

Ide mengenai serangan besar-besaran itu datang dari Letkol. dr. Wiliater Hutagalung. Setelah Belanda melancarkan agresi militer yang kedua di Yogyakarta, PBB mengeluarkan resolusi yang menyerukan agar kedua pihak—Indonesia dan Belanda—menghentikan peperangan. Namun, Belanda menolak resolusi itu.

Karena itulah, menurut Letkol Hutagalung, Indonesia perlu meyakinkan dunia internasional—terutama Amerika Serikat dan Inggris—bahwa Negara Republik Indonesia masih kuat, memiliki pemerintahan, dan memiliki organisasi ketentaraan TNI. Untuk membuktikan hal itu, maka harus ada upaya serangan spektakuler yang tidak bisa disembunyikan atau ditutup-tutupi oleh Belanda, dan harus diketahui oleh UNCI (United Nations Commission for Indonesia) serta wartawan-wartawan asing untuk disebarluaskan ke seluruh dunia.Panglima Soedirman menyetujui gagasan tersebut, dan menginstruksikan Letkol Hutagalung untuk mengkoordinasikannya dengan Panglima Divisi II dan III. Berdasarkan rapat koordinasi, disepakati serangan besar-besaran itu akan ditujukan ke Yogyakarta, yang waktu itu masih diduduki Belanda, selain juga karena banyak wartawan serta anggota delegasi UNCI dan pengamat militer dari PBB yang ada di sana. Selain itu, serangan tersebut juga diputuskan untuk dilancarkan pada 1 Maret 1949.

Maka, pada pukul 06.00 pagi, serangan itu pun dimulai dengan fokus ke ibu kota Yogyakarta. Selain itu, pasukan TNI juga menyerang Magelang, Solo, dan sekitarnya. Dalam waktu enam jam, tepat pukul 12.00 siang, pasukan Indonesia berhasil menduduki Yogyakarta. Di dalam serangan itu, sebanyak 300 prajurit dan 53 anggota polisi Indonesia tewas, serta banyak korban lain yang terdiri atas masyarakat sipil. Sementara 200 tentara Belanda tewas, dan sejumlah lainnya luka-luka.

Serangan umum pada tanggal 1 Maret itu berhasil membuktikan eksistensi Indonesia, yang artinya juga menguatkan posisi tawar RI di mata PBB, serta mempermalukan Belanda yang telah mengklaim RI sudah lemah. Upaya tersebut telah menorehkan sejarah penting dalam era kemerdekaan Indonesia, sehingga sejarah pun mengenangnya sebagai “Serangan Umum 1 Maret”.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
The attack was carried out on March 1, 1949 against the city during the colonization of the Netherlands (later famous as the Public Attack March 1) will be conducted in a big way. The attack was planned and prepared by the highest ranks of the military in the region III Division III/GM — inviting several local civil government helm — based on the instructions of the Commander of the Sudirman, aims to prove to the world that the TNI and the Republic of Indonesia is still there and strong enough.The idea of a massive attack that came from a Lieutenant Colonel. Dr. Wiliater Hutagalung. After the Netherlands launched a second military aggression in Yogyakarta, the UN passed a resolution calling for both sides — Indonesia and the Netherlands — stop the war. However, the Netherlands rejected that resolution.That's why, according to Lieutenant Colonel Hutagalung, Indonesia needs to convince the world — especially the United States and the United Kingdom — that the State of the Republic of Indonesia is still strong, has a Government, and have a TNI army organization. To prove it, then there should be an attempt spectacular attacks that cannot be hidden or covered up by the Netherlands, and to be known by the UNCI (United Nations Commission for Indonesia) as well as foreign journalists to be distributed to the rest of the world. Commander Sudirman approve the idea, and instructed Lt. Hutagalung for mengkoordinasikannya with the Commander of the Division II and III. Upon meeting coordination, agreed that a massive attack will be directed to Yogyakarta, which at that time still occupied Netherlands, as well as many journalists as well as members of delegations of military observers and UNCI UN there. In addition, they also decided to attack was launched on March 1, 1949.Then, at 06.00 in the morning, the attack began with a focus to the capital of Yogyakarta. In addition, the TNI troops also attacked the town of Magelang, Solo, and surrounding areas. Within six hours, just 12.00 noon, Indonesia troops successfully occupied Yogyakarta. In the attack, as many as 300 soldiers and 53 policemen were killed, Indonesia as well as many other victims of civil society. While the Netherlands 200 soldiers were killed, and a number of other injuries.General offensive on March 1, it managed to prove the existence of Indonesia, which also strengthens the bargaining position of the REPUBLIC of INDONESIA in the eyes of the United Nations, as well as embarrass the Netherlands has claimed RI is already weak. These efforts have been historically important in the era of putting the independence of Indonesia, so that no matter his history as a "General offensive 1 March".
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
The attacks were carried out on March 1, 1949 against the city of Yogyakarta on the Dutch colonial period (which was then known as General Offensive March 1) is done on a large scale. Attacks are planned and prepared by the highest ranks of the military in the Division III / GM III-engages multiple helm of the local civil administration-based instruction of Commander Soedirman, aims to prove to the world that the TNI and Republic of Indonesia is still there and is strong enough. The idea of a massive attack that came from Lieutenant Colonel. dr. Wiliater Hutagalung. After the Dutch launched a military aggression that is second in Yogyakarta, the UN passed a resolution calling on both sides-Indonesian and Dutch-stop war. However, the Dutch rejected the resolution. That's why, according to Lt. Col. Hutagalung, Indonesia needs to convince the international community-especially the United States and Britain-that the Republic of Indonesia is still strong, has the government, and has the TNI military organization. To prove it, then there must be an attempt spectacular attacks that can not be hidden or covered up by the Dutch, and must be known by UNCI (United Nations Commission for Indonesia) as well as foreign journalists to be disseminated to the entire dunia.Panglima Sudirman approve the idea and Lt. Col. Hutagalung instructed to coordinate with the Commander of Division II and III. Based on the coordination meeting, it was agreed that a massive attack would be devoted to Yogyakarta, which was still occupied by the Dutch, as well as many journalists as well as members of the delegation UNCI and military observers of the UN who was there. In addition, the attack also decided to launched on March 1, 1949. Then, at 06.00 am, the attack began with a focus on the capital city of Yogyakarta. In addition, military forces also attacked Magelang, Solo, and surrounding areas. Within six hours, precisely at 12:00 noon, Indonesian troops occupied Yogyakarta. In the attack, as many as 300 soldiers and 53 members of the Indonesian police were killed, as well as many other victims who are from civil society. While the 200 Dutch soldiers were killed and several others wounded. The attack public on March 1, was able to prove the existence of Indonesia, which means that also strengthen the bargaining position of Indonesia in the eyes of the UN, as well as to embarrass the Netherlands has claimed RI already weak. Such efforts have made ​​history important in the era of Indonesia's independence, so that history does remember her as "General Offensive March 1".

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