Saya sungguh menyesal . Saya minta maaf , dan saya harap kita bisa kembali seperti sebelumnya . Saya ingin memulai sesuatu yang baik dengan kamu . Kamu memperdulikan saya , tapi saya egois tidak memperdulikan kamu . Karna itu saat ini , saya katakan permainan berakhir
I am truly sorry. I'm sorry, and I hope we can come back as before. I want to start something good with you. You ignore the selfish me, but I ignore you. Because of that moment, I have to say the game is over
I really regret. I apologize, and I hope we can come back as before. I want to start something good with you. You care about me, but I selfishly do not care about you. Because it now, I say the game is over