Refrain bercerita tentang perjalanan Niki (Maudy Ayunda) dan Nata (Afg terjemahan - Refrain bercerita tentang perjalanan Niki (Maudy Ayunda) dan Nata (Afg Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Refrain bercerita tentang perjalana

Refrain bercerita tentang perjalanan Niki (Maudy Ayunda) dan Nata (Afgansyah Reza) dalam menemukan cinta mereka.

Cerita dimulai dengan kedatangan Niki ke Austria yang bermaksud untuk menemui Nata yang telah lama kuliah musik di negara tersebut. Sebelum berjalan lebih jauh Niki menceritakan kembali kisahnya bersama Nata 5 tahun sebelumnya.

Setelah bertahun-tahun bersahabat, ada warna yang berbeda saat Niki dan Nata menginjak bangku SMA. Ada sosok Annalise (Chelsea Elizabeth Islan), siswi baru yang ternyata Ibunya seorang model terkenal. Ada Oliver (Maxime Bouttier), kapten basket tampan yang memikat Niki. Dan, ada Helena (Stevani Nepa), kapten cheerleaders yang tidak pernah mau kalah.

Nata ternyata menyayangi Niki lebih dari sahabat. Sayangnya, Nata tidak berani mengungkapkan perasaannya dan juga karena Niki kini telah berpacaran dengan Oliver, sang kapten basket. Ternyata diam-diam Annalise pun menyimpan perasaan terhadap Nata hingga akhirnya ia mengetahui bahwa Nata memberikan perasaannya hanya kepada Niki ketika ia mendengar Nata berkata menyayangi Niki disaat sedang berada di rumah sakit.

Keesokan harinya Annalise memilih untuk tidak masuk sekolah. Karena khawatir, Niki dan Nata segera berkunjung ke rumahnya seusai pelajaran berakhir. Annalise, yang sedang menangis seraya menatapi foto-foto Nata terkejut ketika menyadari kedatangan kedua temannya itu hingga akhirnya secara tidak sengaja menjatuhkan foto-foto itu ke kolam. Langsung saja Nata dan Niki melihat itu semua sementara Annalise sudah melarikan diri ke dalam rumah. Tak lama kemudian Nata mengejarnya disusul dengan Niki. Ketika sampai di dalam rumah Nata menemukan Annalise dengan keadaan yang semakin sedih. Nata kemudian bertanya apa maksud semua foto itu. Annalise, dengan air mata yang masih keluar berkata dengan jujur bahwa ia menyayangi Nata. Nata yang mendengarnya pun sontak terkejut dan akhirnya ia juga berkata jujur bahwa ia telah menyayangi Niki. Tepat disaat Nata berkata itu muncul Niki yang kemudian segera berlari meninggalkan kedua temannya.

Setelah itu kehidupan di sekolah menjadi suram. Niki kini memilih untuk berteman dengan rombongan Helena sementara Nata dan Annalise tetap berteman namun menjadi agak terpisah. Nata tetap mencoba berbicara kepada Niki namun sayangnya Niki telah mencoba melupakannya.

Tak lama kemudian tibalah Ujian Nasional. Ketiga sahabat yang terpecah ini lulus, namun Niki tetap mempertahankan sikapnya untuk melupakan Nata.

Tak lama setelah Ujian Nasional tersebut tibalah malam prom yang amat ditunggu-tunggu oleh Niki. Sebelumnya ia dan Oliver telah berjanji untuk pergi bersama-sama namun disaat malam tiba Oliver memberitahu Niki bahwa ia tidak dapat pergi sehingga Niki pun pergi sendiri ke acara. Semua tampak lancar hingga ketika Niki melihat Oliver pergi ke acara bersama Helena. Niki segera menghampirinya, memarahinya, dan hendak menamparnya namun berhasil ditahan oleh Helena. Nata, yang sedari tadi sudah memperhatikan kejadian itu segera melepaskan tangan Helena dan memukul Oliver, setelah itu Nata menarik tangan Niki untuk pulang.

Kini Niki menyadari bahwa Nata bersungguh-sungguh menyayanginya namun di saat itulah Nata berkata bahwa ia harus pergi ke Austria esok. Esoknya Niki yang bangun kesiangan segera menuju ke kamar Nata, namun sayangnya Nata telah pergi dan hanya meninggalkan surat di dalam sebuah amplop biru. Niki segera membacanya dan dari surat inilah ia menyadari bahwa Nata benar-benar menyayanginya dengan sungguh-sungguh.

5 tahun kemudian Niki memilih untuk menyusul Nata ke Austria. Walaupun harus kehilangan koper dan tersesat ia akhirnya menemukan Nata sedang bermain piano. Setelah itu Niki menunggu diluar hingga Nata melihatnya. Mereka kemudian jalan-jalan dengan sebuah kereta kuda, dalam perjalanan Niki memberikan surat di dalam sebuah amplop merah yang isinya adalah "It's always been you too", sebuah jawaban untuk apa yang diharapkan Nata selama ini. Film berakhir dengan kebahagiaan mereka setelah membaca surat itu di kereta kuda.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
Refrain tell me about travel Niki (Maudy Ayunda) and Nata (Afgansyah Reza) in finding their love.The story begins with the arrival of Niki to Austria who intend to meet the Nata has long studied music in the country. Before going any further recounting her story with Niki Nata 5 years earlier.After years of welcoming, there's a different color as Niki and Nata stepping stool high school. There is the figure of Annalise (Chelsea Elizabeth Icelandic), the new girl who turns out to be the mother of a famous model. There is Oliver (Maxime Bouttier), a handsome basketball captain who lure Niki. And, there is Helena (Stevani Nepa), Captain of the cheerleaders who don't ever want to lose.NATA is apparently fond of Niki more than best friends. Unfortunately, Nata does not dare reveal his feelings and also because Niki is now dating with Oliver, the captain of the basketball team. Turns out to be secretly harboring any feelings toward Annalise Nata until eventually he learned that Nata gives his feelings only to Niki when he hears the Nata said dear Niki while was in the hospital.The next day Annalise chose not to attend school. Fearing, Niki and Nata immediately paid a visit to his home after the lesson is over. Annalise, weeping while putting together pictures of Nata was surprised to realize the second coming of his friend until finally accidentally dropping the photos into the pond. Nata and straight saw it all while Niki Annalise had already fled into the House. Nata gave chase shortly thereafter followed by Niki. When he arrived at the House with Annalise find Nata is getting sad. NATA then asked what the intention of all the photo's. Annalise, with tears still come out saying truthfully that he is fond of Nata. NATA who heard any sudden shock and finally he said honestly that he has affection for Niki. Right when Nata said it appeared the then Niki soon ran second to leave his friend.After that, life at school is becoming grimmer. Niki is now choosing to be friends with groups of Helena while Nata and Annalise remain friends but be a little separate. NATA remains tried talking to Niki, but unfortunately the Niki has tried to forget about it.Shortly thereafter came the national exam. The three friends split this pass, but still very Niki to forget Nata.Shortly after the National Trials came highly-awaited prom night by Niki. He and Oliver had promised to go together but evening arrives when Oliver tells Niki that he can't go to Niki went alone to the event. All seemed fine until when Niki sees Oliver went into the event with Helena. Niki soon approached him, rebuked him, and was about to slap him but successfully detained by Helena. NATA, who initially had been paying attention to the incident immediately removed the hand of Helena and the hit Oliver, after that exciting hands of Nata Niki to go home.Now Niki realizes that Nata meant it favored but that's when Nata said that he should go to Austria tomorrow. The next day the Niki wakes up sleeping through immediately headed to room Nata, Nata but unfortunately has gone and left only a letter in a blue envelope. Niki immediately read it and from a letter that he realized that Nata really favored him in earnest.5 years later Niki chooses to overtake Nata to Austria. Although the lost luggage and lost he finally found the Nata was playing the piano. After that Niki waiting outside to Nata saw it. They went on to the streets with a horse-drawn carriage, in the course of Niki grant letters in a red envelope whose contents are "it's always been you too", an answer to what is expected during this Nata. The film ends with their happiness after reading that letter in a chariot.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Chorus tells of traveling Niki (Maudy Ayunda) and Nata (Afgansyah Reza) in finding their love. The story begins with the arrival of Austrian Niki to which intends to meet the long-Nata music college in the country. Before going any further Niki retell the story together Nata previous 5 years. After years of friends, there is a different color when Niki and Nata stepping high school. There is a figure Annalise (Chelsea Elizabeth Icelandic), a new student who turns His mother was a famous model. There Oliver (Maxime Bouttier), handsome basketball captain Niki compelling. And, there is Helena (Stevanie Nepa), captain of the cheerleaders who never want to lose. Nata Niki turns love more than friends. Unfortunately, Nata did not dare to express their feelings and also because Niki has now been going out with Oliver, the captain of the basketball. Annalise was secretly also keeps feeling towards Nata until he learned that Nata give feelings only to Niki when he heard Nata said Niki love when were in the hospital. The next day Annalise choose not to go to school. Fearing, Niki and Nata immediately visited her home after class ends. Annalise, who was crying as she gazed at the pictures Nata was shocked when he realized that his second coming until accidentally drop the photos into the pool. Immediately, Nata and Niki see it all while Annalise had fled into the house. Shortly afterwards Nata chase followed by Niki. When they arrived at the house Nata find Annalise with increasingly sad situation. Nata then asked what the purpose of all the photos. Annalise, with tears still come out honestly say he loves Nata. Nata who heard it was instantly surprised and eventually he was also telling the truth that he had been fond of Niki. Exactly when Nata said it appeared Niki who then ran to leave her friends. After that life at school became bleak. Niki now choose to be friends with the group while Nata and Annalise Helena remained friends but be somewhat separate. Nata keep trying to talk to but unfortunately Niki Niki has tried to forget it. Shortly thereafter came the National Exam. The three friends were divided this pass, but Niki retains his attitude to forget Nata. Shortly after the National Examination prom night came very eagerly awaited by Niki. Previously he and Oliver had promised to go together, but when night falls Oliver tells Niki that he can not go so Niki went alone to the event. All seemed well until when Niki see Oliver went to the event along with Helena. Niki immediately approached him, scolded him, and was about to slap him but successfully retained by Helena. Nata, who had been already noticed the incident immediately release the hand Helena and hit Oliver, after the draw hand Nata Niki to go home. Now Niki realizes that Nata earnest love him but at that moment Nata said that he had to go to Austria tomorrow. Niki who woke up late the next day headed to the room Nata, but unfortunately Nata has gone and only left a letter in a blue envelope. Niki immediately read it and from this letter he realized that Nata really love her in earnest. 5 years later Niki chose to follow Nata to Austria. Although to be lost luggage and lost he finally found Nata was playing the piano. After that Niki wait outside until Nata see it. They then walks with a horse-drawn carriage, in the course of Niki provide a letter in a red envelope that it is "It's always been you too", an answer to what to expect during this Nata. The film ends with their happiness after reading it in the carriage.

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