Management tools and farm machinery are the management tools and machinery that agricultural operations can run well in order to obtain optimal results. The purpose of the practice of this field is to determine how the system management tools and farm machinery of government assistance to farmers in the village and the Gulf Port In Santol District of Pemulutan. This field practices will be held in the village harbor and bay Kecapi In Pemulutan District of South Sumatra Province. The timing of the practice of this field will begin in August 2015 to complete. The method uses a field practice: 1) interviewi method, this method is done in a way to give an interview directly to individual farmers, farmer group chairman, and PPL in the field of the work process, and things - things that are needed to support the practice field. 2) Method of Literature study, conducted by searching the data related to the practice field either in the form of magazines, journals and books related to the practice field. Maintenance management is done as an attempt to use the facilities / production equipment so that production can be assured of continuity and create a satisfactory state of production operations in accordance with the plan. But some farmers do not do maintenance and special care alsintan that causes frequent damage to equipment and machines such as broken blades, broken klahar, breakage plowshares, broken gears, etc. Hopefully, by the institutional development of Business Services Alsintan (UPJA) can help farmers in the provision of alsintan, spare parts, repair services, in the form of institutional manufacturer of agricultural equipment and machinery, business workshops / craftsman tools and agricultural machinery, and so on.
Keywords: Management Tool and Agricultural Machinery, UPJA.
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