Sebanyak 177 orang calon haji Indonesia yang ditahan oleh Imigrasi Fil terjemahan - Sebanyak 177 orang calon haji Indonesia yang ditahan oleh Imigrasi Fil Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Sebanyak 177 orang calon haji Indon

Sebanyak 177 orang calon haji Indonesia yang ditahan oleh Imigrasi Filipina karena menggunakan dokumen palsu kemungkinan besar adalah korban penipuan kelompok sindikat, kata Wakil Presiden Jusuf Kalla.

Para calon jemaah haji Indonesia itu ditahan pada Jumat (19/08) di bandar udara Manila, Filipina, karena terbukti menggunakan paspor Filipina untuk berangkat naik haji dari negara tersebut.

Diduga kuat mereka menggunakan dokumen paspor Filipina karena terbatasnya kuota haji Indonesia, sementara masih banyak kuota haji yang tersisa di Filipina.

"Mungkin ditipulah atau dikasih jalan yang tidak dipahami oleh (agen) travel atau orang-orang yang menjanjikan untuk naik haji dengan mudah," kata Wapres Jusuf Kalla kepada wartawan, Minggu (21/08).
Sering terjadi?
Image caption Walaupun menyebut tindakan 177 orang calon jemaah haji Indonesia itu "menyalahi" aturan, Wakil Presiden Jusuf Kalla mengatakan yang harus bertanggung jawab adalah orang-orang yang memberangkatkan mereka ke Filipina.

Pemerintah Indonesia dan Filipina sejauh ini terus berkoordinasi untuk mencari tahu pihak yang memberangkatkan 177 orang calon jemaah haji asal Sulawesi Selatan dan sekitarnya ke Filipina, kata Duta besar Indonesia untuk Filipina, Johnny Lumintang.

"Ada (agen) travel yang membawa mereka ke Filipina. Sebelum berangkat (ke Manila), mereka sudah membawa paspor Filipina. Sedang diselidiki (siapa yang mengirimkannya)," kata Johnny Lumintang kepada BBC Indonesia, Minggu (21/08) malam.
Image copyright AP Image caption Penggunaan paspor negara lain - terutama Filipina, Thailand dan Vietnam - untuk menunaikan ibadah haji sudah sering dilakukan oleh WNI karena terbatasnya kuota ibadah haji

Diduga kuat praktek penggunaan paspor negara lain -terutama Filipina, Thailand dan Vietnam- untuk menunaikan ibadah haji sudah sering dilakukan oleh WNI karena terbatasnya kuota ibadah haji, kata seorang pengurus ormas Islam.

"Itu sudah sering terjadi, sudah sejak lama. Ada misalnya travel-travel biro yang bisa memberangkatkan orang. Saya kira itu jaringan," kata Agus Sunyoto, salah-seorang pimpinan Nahdlatul Ulama, Minggu.

"Saya saat naik haji tahun 2001, bertemu satu keluarga jemaah haji Indonesia yang berangkat dari Thailand," ungkapnya.
Minta dibebaskan

Pemerintah Indonesia meyakini 177 orang calon haji Indonesia itu adalah korban penipuan, sehingga pemerintah Filipina diminta untuk membebaskannya.

"Kita sedang berusaha besok (Senin), mereka bisa dipindahkan ke KBRI. Kita juga melakukan proses untuk mengembalikannya ke Indonesia," kata Dubes Indonesia untuk Filipina, Johnny Lumintang.

Walaupun menyebut tindakan 177 orang calon jemaah haji Indonesia itu 'menyalahi' aturan, Wakil Presiden Jusuf Kalla mengatakan yang harus bertanggung jawab adalah orang-orang yang memberangkatkan mereka ke Filipina.

"Tentu (yang bersalah) adalah yang mengaturnya. Mereka (calon jemaah haji) adalah korban. Mereka tidak tahu," kata Kalla.
Image copyright AP Image caption Pemerintah Indonesia meyakini 177 orang calon haji Indonesia itu adalah korban penipuan, sehingga pemerintah Filipina diminta untuk membebaskannya.

Jusuf Kalla mengakui pembatasan bagi kuota haji Indonesia adalah penyebab utama kemunculan kasus-kasus seperti ini.

Di sejumlah daerah, ada warga Indonesia harus menunggu hingga 20 tahun untuk mendapatkan kesempatan naik haji.

"Pasti ada yang tidak sabar menunggu, (lalu) mencari jalan untuk naik haji. Caranya itu, ya, ke Filipina, yang kuotanya tidak dipakai. Tapi otomatis harus pakai paspor Filipina. Ini salah," papar Kalla.

Pada 2016, kuota haji Indonesia dibatasi oleh pemerintah Arab Saudi maksimal 168,000 orang, turun dibandingkan pada 2011 lalu yaitu sebesar 221,000.

Pemerintah Arab Saudi menurunkan kuota haji pada 2016 diduga terkait perluasan komplek Masjidil Haram di kota suci Mekkah.

Sampai pukul 20.00 WIB, Minggu (19/08), BBC Indonesia sudah berupaya menghubungi Dirjen Penyelenggaraan Haji dan Umrah, Abdul Djamil, melalui telepon genggamnya, namun belum mendapat tanggapan.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
As many as 177 people candidate haji Indonesia being detained by Philippine Immigration because it uses false documents most likely was the victim of a fraud syndicate, said Group Vice President Jusuf Kalla.Indonesia jemaah haji candidates were detained on Friday (19/08) at the airport in Manila, Philippines, Philippine Passport using proven due to leave for Hajj from the country.They use their powerful suspected passport documents the Philippines because Indonesia's Hajj quota limitation, while there are still many Hajj quota were left in the Philippines."Maybe ditipulah or given a way not understood by (agents) travel or people that promise to Hajj with ease," said Vice President Jusuf Kalla told reporters Sunday (9/08).Often the case?Image caption mentions the action even though the 177 candidates that Indonesia jemaah haji "violated" the rules, Vice President Jusuf Kalla said that should be responsible are the ones who sent them to the Philippines.The Government of Indonesia and the Philippines have so far continued to coordinate to figure out which party sent out 177 candidates jemaah haji of origin of South Sulawesi and surrounding areas to the Philippines, said Indonesia's Ambassador to the Philippines, Johnny Lumintang."There are (agent) travel that takes them to the Philippines. Before leaving (to Manila), they've brought the Philippine Passport. Being investigated (who sent it), "said Johnny Lumintang to BBC Indonesia, Sunday (8/21) night.Image copyright AP Image caption Use passports of other countries-especially the Philippines, Thailand and Viet Nam — to perform the pilgrimage have often carried out by CITIZENS because of the limited quota of HajjStrong use of practices alleged passports of other countries-especially the Philippines, Thailand and Viet Nam — to perform the pilgrimage have often carried out by CITIZENS because of the limited quota of Hajj, said a caretaker of Islamic organizations."It is often the case, it's been a long time. There are for example travel-travel agency that can lead people. I think it was a network, "said Agus Sunyoto, wrong-a leader of Nahdlatul Ulama, Sunday."My current 2001 Hajj, met one family of jemaah haji Indonesia depart from Thailand," he said.Ask the freedThe Government of Indonesia believes the 177 candidates that Indonesia's Hajj was a victim of fraud, so that the Philippine Government was asked to him."We're trying tomorrow (Monday), they can be transferred to the EMBASSY. We also conduct proceedings to return him to Indonesia, "said Indonesia's Ambassador to the Philippines, Johnny Lumintang.Although calling the actions of 177 candidates that Indonesia jemaah haji ' excrement ' rule, Vice President Jusuf Kalla said that should be responsible are the ones who sent them to the Philippines."Of course (the guilty) is that set them up. They (prospective jemaah haji) is a victim. They don't know, "said Kalla.Image copyright AP Image caption Indonesia Government believes the 177 candidates that Indonesia's Hajj was a victim of fraud, so that the Philippine Government was asked to him.Jusuf Kalla acknowledged the restrictions for Indonesia's Hajj quota was the main cause of occurrence of cases like this.In some areas, there are citizens of Indonesia had to wait up to 20 years to get the opportunity of Hajj."There is definitely an impatient waiting, (then) looked for a way to Hajj. Here's how it is, Yes, to the Philippines, that kuotanya is not used. But should automatically use Passport in the Philippines. This is wrong, "said Kalla.In 2016, the quota of Hajj Saudi Arabia Indonesia Government is limited by the maximum of 168.000 people, down than in 2011, namely of 221.000.The Government of Saudi Arabia lowered the quota of Hajj in 2016 is allegedly associated expansion of the complex of the Grand Mosque in the Holy City of Mecca.Until 20.00, Sunday (19/08), BBC Indonesia already had tried to contact the Director-General of the Organization of the Hajj and Umrah, Abdul Djamil, via his cell phone, but have not gotten a response.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
A total of 177 Indonesian pilgrims who were detained by the Philippine Immigration for using false documents likely the victim of fraud syndicate group, said Vice President Jusuf Kalla.

The prospective pilgrims Indonesia was arrested on Friday (19/08) at the airport of Manila, Philippines, because it proved a Philippine passport to go on a pilgrimage from the country.

Allegedly they use documents Philippine passport because of the limited quota of Hajj Indonesia, while there are still many quota Hajj is left in the Philippines.

"Maybe ditipulah or given the way that is not understood by the (agent) travel or those that promise to pilgrimage with ease, "said Vice President Jusuf Kalla told reporters on Sunday (08/21).
it often happens?
Image caption Although the call action 177 prospective pilgrims Indonesia was" violated "rule, Vice President Jusuf Kalla said to be responsible are those who dispatch them to the Philippines,

Indonesia and the Philippines have so far continued to coordinate to find out the dispatcher that 177 prospective pilgrims from South Sulawesi and surrounding areas to the Philippines, said Indonesia's ambassador to the Philippines, Johnny Lumintang.

"There (agent) travel that took them to the Philippines. Before leaving (to Manila), they've brought Philippine passport. Being investigated (who sent it), "said Johnny Lumintang told BBC Indonesia, Sunday (21/08) night.
Image copyright AP Image caption use of passports of other countries - especially the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam - to perform the pilgrimage is often done by citizen because of the limited quota of Hajj

Allegedly practice of using passports of other countries -especially the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam to perform the pilgrimage is often done by a citizen because of the limited quota of Hajj, said a board of Islamic organizations.

"It is often the case, has long , There is for example travel-travel agency that can dispatch people. I think that the network, "said Agus Sunyoto, one-a leader of Nahdlatul Ulama, on Sunday.

" I am currently on a pilgrimage in 2001, met the family of Indonesian pilgrims departing from Thailand, "he said.
Ask freed

Indonesian government believes 177 people pilgrim Indonesia was the victim of fraud, so that the Philippine government asked for his release.

"We are trying tomorrow (Monday), they can be transferred to the Embassy. We also undertake the process to return to Indonesia, "said Indonesian Ambassador to the Philippines, Johnny Lumintang.

Although called the move 177 prospective pilgrims Indonesia was 'violated' rule, Vice President Jusuf Kalla said to be responsible are those who dispatch them to the Philippines.

"Of course (the guilty) is set. They (prospective pilgrims) was a victim. They do not know, "said Kalla.
Image copyright AP Image caption The Indonesian government believes 177 people pilgrim Indonesia was a victim of fraud, so that the Philippine government asked for his release.

Jusuf Kalla admitted restrictions to the quota of Hajj Indonesia is the main cause of occurrence of cases like this .

In some areas, there are Indonesian citizens had to wait 20 years to get a chance pilgrimage.

"there are impatiently awaiting, (and) looking for a way to pilgrimage. The trick was, yes, to the Philippines, the quota is not used. But should automatically use Philippine passport. This is wrong, "said Kalla.

In 2016, the quota for Indonesian pilgrims are restricted by the government of Saudi Arabia up to 168,000 people, lower than in 2011 and that is equal to 221.000.

The Saudi Arabian government to lower the quota haj in 2016 allegedly related to the expanding complex of the Grand Mosque in the holy city of Mecca.

until 20:00 pm, Sunday (08/19), BBC Indonesia has attempted to contact the Director General of Hajj and Umrah, Abdul Djamil, via cell phone, but has not received a response.
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