Kik Against Cuan LimpaiIn the days of yore, not some far from Kampung Simpang Tiga subdistrict, including pendants, a farmer living with his wife and son gadisnya. By the locals he called Kik Cuan. As a farmer Kik Cuan always exist around the neighborhood in his field, which is generally located in the middle of the forest. Until he became a very familiar life of the forest and segalah kinds of contents.The only daughter of Kik Cuan named jerimai. As a woman, of course, he should be married. And, when the time came, Jerimai else married Cuan Kik with a youth from the local kamoung. This wedding diramaikan with various events, including the kedurian for the village.Some time after the wedding event Jerimai, where there is often a living Cuan Kik incident a child who plays into the jungle, bathing (local language called aik arongan, red), even diladang. In addition to the ditempat-tempat, there are often also there is his grave uncovered incidents of people who had just died. Just bodies died was buried, the next day the uncovered grave regularly, like the diseruduk kind of muzzle the animal remains of bodies uncovered that, typically, is merely a finger nail and the shroud.These events give rise to an atmosphere of calm dikampung Kik Cuan. Day and night residents are always on guard. The population of men – men in addition to keep diladang in the day watching dikampung at night. While the women, in addition to preparing a meal for the family, cannot be off guard watching over their children when playing into the forest or in the middle of the field.In these conditions, one day, the family gets a undagan kedurian Cuan Kik marriage children of her friend who lives Intersection Tige relic, now the plan, Kik Cuan will go keundangan because her friend had used to be a lot of help him the wedding jerimai. After all, he does not want to offend the families who've been hard-hard invite him.Just rawanya the condition of kampung then, always be a rationale to meet his friend undagan. For he very know travelling to Kampung Simpang Tige that will take the full risk. Moreover, he has to bring all members of his family, includes jerimai which is still a newlywed.Anticipate things not in want of Ki family ' Cuan will depart berombangan, with the village. While the affair because there is still need to be completed before leaving, Ki ' Cuan following later.Apparently, his Jerimai should set out with groups of people, it's too late. Until he had to walk alone, some distance from the separate groups of the front side. But in the middle of the trip, no one knows what the menimpah jerimai, the new bridegroom.Meanwhile, at home, after completing her duties Kik Cuan rushing menujuh groups of the family who have been more duluh to go. In the middle of the journey, Kik Cuan was surprised. He found a blood-stained scarves and severed hand nearby. What happened? After watching the scarf was covered in blood and severed hands, rest assured Kik Cuan has happened something on Jerimai.Because ias shawl shawl is identified as belonging to discover Jerimai to use when leaving for the invitation ... Then dikuku fingers severed hand he believed the hand of Jerimai, because dikukunya visible girlfriend (polluted water bodies in traditional use for bridal, red).Facing that fact with feeling angry Kik Cuan kedurian place menujuh langkanya speeds up, rest assured it that the jerimai have become victims of the sentient meenggegarkan his community lately. Because there is no jerimai available kedurian. After telling his findings to his wife and his daughter, the third person's back kekampungnya.Among the House, the wife and daughter of Ki ' Cuan sejadi-so his cry. The night of her Ki ' Cuan dreamed that destroy children
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