Tak perlu menjadi NUMBER ONE dimata dia yg kamu cinta, karena yg kamu  terjemahan - Tak perlu menjadi NUMBER ONE dimata dia yg kamu cinta, karena yg kamu  Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Tak perlu menjadi NUMBER ONE dimata

Tak perlu menjadi NUMBER ONE dimata dia yg kamu cinta, karena yg kamu butuh adalah menjadi ONLY ONE di hatinya

Cinta hadir karna perkenalan, bersemi karna perhatian, bertahan karna kesetiaan

Aku berharap aku mati lebih dulu, karena aku tidak ingin tahu sakitnya hidup tanpamu

Mimpi hanya berlangsung satu malam, tapi cinta bertahan selamanya

Jika hanya lewat mimpi aku bisa bertemu denganmu, maka biarlah aku tertidur selamanya

Ucapkan cinta dengan hati. Karena apa yang datang dari hati akan sampai ke hati

Banggalah pada dirimu sendiri, Meski ada yang tak Menyukai. Kadang mereka membenci karena Mereka tak mampu menjadi seperti dirimu

Senyum mampu menyelesaikan banyak masalah, dan diam mampu membuat kita terhindar dari banyak masalah

Kebahagiaan adalah pengalaman spiritual dimana setiap menit hidup dilalui dengan cinta, dan rasa syukur

Saat kau berpikir tentang orang yang cantik dan tampan, pikirkanlah bahwa kau adalah bagian dari mereka

Keindahan sejati tak bisa dilihat oleh mata, hanya hati yang mampu merasakan keindahan sebenarnya

Melepaskan orang yang di cintai jauh lebih sulit dibanding menerima cinta yang baru bagi hatimu

Wanita dewasa bukanlah dia yg ingin terlihat sempurna utk semua pria, tapi dia yg ingin terlihat cantik utk satu pria yang dicintainya

Pagi. Ketika anda tulus mencinta, tak akan pernah ada kata menyerah. Meski pikiran ingin berputus asa, namun hati tetap ingin mencoba

Jika seseorang yang istimewa dihatimu tak bisa mencintaimu ketika kamu menjadi dirimu sendiri, maka dia tidak istimewa.

Tidak masalah jika seseorang tidak menyukaimu. Namun akan menjadi masalah jika kau membiarkan ketidaksukaan mereka mempengaruhimu

Terkadang cinta begitu menyakitkan. Tapi karena cinta juga, kamu selalu temukan dirimu tersenyum tanpa alasan
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
No need to be NUMBER ONE in the eyes of her yg yg love you, because you need is to be the ONLY ONE in her heart Love present because introductions, blossomed because attention, sticking loyalty karna I hope I die first, because I didn't want to know the pain of living without you Dream only lasts one night, but love last forever If only a passing dream I can see you, then let me fall asleep forever Say love with heart. Because what comes from the heart will get to the heart Banggalah yourself, although that is not Liked. Sometimes they hate it because they could not afford to be like yourself A smile capable of resolving many of the problems, and the silence is able to make us avoid many problems Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute of which passed with love, and gratitude When you think about people who are beautiful and handsome, think that you are a part of theirTrue beauty cannot be seen by the eye, only a heart that is able to feel the beauty of the fact Releasing those who are in love is much more difficult than receiving a new love for your heart Mature woman wants her look is not perfect for all men, but she wants to look gorgeous single man who lovedIn the morning. When your sincere love, will never give up any word. Although mind want to despair, but still want to try it liver If someone special dihatimu could not love you when you become yourself, then he's not exceptional. It doesn't matter if a person is not menyukaimu. But it will be a problem if you let their distaste for mempengaruhimu Sometimes love is so painful. But because love also, you always find yourself smiling for no reason
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
No need to be NUMBER ONE in the eyes of him that you love, for that you need is to be the ONLY ONE in his love exists because of introduction, blossomed because of attention, persist because of loyalty I wish I had died first, because I do not want to know the pain of life without dreams only lasted one night, but love last forever If only in dreams I can see you, then let me fall asleep forever Say love with the heart. Because what comes from the heart to the liver to be proud of yourself, Although there is no Love. Sometimes they hate because they can not be like you Smile is able to solve many problems, and the silence is able to make us avoid many problems Happiness is the spiritual experience in which every minute of life passed with love and gratitude When you think about people who are beautiful and handsome, think that you are part of their true beauty can not be seen by the eye, only the heart that can feel the beauty actually Releasing people in love is much more difficult than accept a new love for your heart mature woman is not he who wants to look perfect To all men, but he who wants to look pretty For a man who loves the morning. When you sincerely love, there can be no turning back. Although the mind wants to despair, but the heart still wants to try If someone special in your heart can not love you when you become yourself, then he is nothing special. It does not matter if someone does not like you. But it would be a problem if you let them affect you dislike Sometimes love is so painful. But because of love too, you always find yourself smiling for no reason

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