The author of this case see the existence of inequality or the collision between applicable laws. Between legal protection against people using the ICRC emblem or medical personnel and also the separatist movement to use his weapon as a means of self protection. Yes indeed, as the authors explain in advance that by law, those who use the coat of arms of ICRC should be protected. They should not be attacked or get the persecution in weapons as well as non-weapon. Even when there is the coat of arms with the transport was not to be touched by armed parties. But the question, how in the use of the emblem of the ICRC is in fact used as the means to do the ruse by certain parties? How if it turns out that in the use of the emblem is even made into a means to achieve the interests of certain parties anyway? And what if the emblem in transport and even serve as a means of distributing weapons anyway? As we know that strategy can be done in any way. Even utilizing the use of particular had taken to win a war. From here the author look at what is done by the rebels were not completely wrong. They made an attempt to protect themselves from enemy attacks. In addition the author look at that there's a feeling alert by the rebels will be the intervention from the outside is going to civil war in Yemen. Moreover there are among the victims of the ICRC before being shot are doing a campaign in a place that is being panas-panasnya the conflict, namely the Sana'a and Sa'ada.Namun yang namanya pembunuh sudah pasti bersalah. Terlepas dari mereka melindungi diri atau waspada, itu tetaplah suatu tindakan kejahatan. Akan tetapi, apakah mereka diadili berdasarkan hukum yang ada? Apakah mereka berhasil ditemukan dengan status unidentified mereka? Hal-hal seperti inilah yang menyebabkan mereka tetap eksis melakukan kejahatan mereka dengan alasan hak untuk perlindungan diri mereka.Oleh karena itu dari sini penulis masih mempertanyakan, bagaimana efektifitas penerapan hukum perlindungan terhadap pemakai lambing ICRC. Karena dalam penerapannya sendiri masih ada halangan-halangan berupa kemungkinan penyalahgunaan celah tersebut, serta adanya tubrukan hukum terkait hak untuk melindungi diri. Sehingga dalam kenyataannya menimbulkan pelanggaran-pelanggaran hukum humaniter dengan memanfaatkan hukum lainnya yang kemudian dijadikan alasan untuk melakukan kepentingannya.
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