Indonesian police headquarters republic Determination results of the bid evaluation stage I (administrative and technical) procurement of armored water cannon (AWC) sources of financing foreign private creditors (ksa) ta 2011 No. 1. Noting election document no. for the procurement of armored Water Cannon (AWC) program sources Private Creditor Foreign Financing (KSA) FY 2011 as well as the Minutes of Bid Evaluation Phase I (Administrative and Technical) no. AWC procurement program embiayaan source of foreign private creditors (ksa) ta 2011. 2. Based on the facts on the evaluation of the procurement committee, then this set of candidate suppliers of goods / services that pass the first stage of bid evaluation (adm and technical) and are entitled to participate in the second phase of the bidding process (price), PT Potent Jaya Wicaksana / Daeji Precisious and Industry Company. 3. Thus the results of phase I evaluadi offers (Administrative and Technical) is assigned and to each party in order to carry out as it should. Enacted in: Jakarta On: June 29, 2015 an ri state police chief assarpras ub karojianstra as official commitments maker drs. John wardoyo To Dear Director potent jaya pt Wicaksana / Daeji precisious and industry company Copies 1. Kapolri 2. Deputy chief 3. Irwasum polri 4. Kabaharkam polri 5. Police chief Asrena 6. Police chief Assarpras 7. Karo jianstra national police ssarprass 8. Dirsabhara baharkam polri
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