Pengertian nilai, menurut Djahiri (1999), adalah harga, makna, isi dan terjemahan - Pengertian nilai, menurut Djahiri (1999), adalah harga, makna, isi dan Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Pengertian nilai, menurut Djahiri (

Pengertian nilai, menurut Djahiri (1999), adalah harga, makna, isi dan pesan, semangat, atau jiwa yang tersurat dan tersirat dalam fakta, konsep, dan teori, sehingga bermakna secara fungsional. Disini, nilai difungsikan untuk mengarahkan, mengendalikan, dan menentukan kelakuan seseorang, karena nilai dijadikan standar perilaku. Sedangkan menurut Dictionary dalam Winataputra (1989), nilai adalah harga atau kualitas sesuatu. Artinya, sesuatu dianggap memiliki nilai apabila sesuatu tersebut secara instrinsik memang berharga.

Pendidikan nilai adalah pendidikan yang mensosialisasikan dan menginternalisasikan nilai-nilai dalam diri siswa. PKn SD merupakan mata pelajaran yang berfungsi sebagai pendidikan nilai, yaitu mata pelajaran yang mensosialisasikan dan menginternalisasikan nila-nilai pancasila/ budaya bangsa seperti yang terdapat pada kurikulum PKn SD. Pelaksanaan pendidikan nilai selain dapat melalui taksonomi Bloom dkk, dapat juga menggunakan jenjang afektif (Kratzwoh, 1967), berupa penerimaan nilai (receiving), penaggapan nilai (responding), penghargaan nilai (valuing), pengorganisasi nilai (organization), karaterisasi nilai (characterization).

Contoh : Nilai benda kayu jati dianggap tinggi, sehingga kayu jati memiliki nilai jual lebih mahal daripada kayu kamper atau kayu lainnya. Secara instrinsik kayu jati adalah kayu yang memiliki kualitas yang baik, tangguh, tidak mudah kropos, dan lebih kuat daripada jenis kayu yang lain seperti kamper. Oleh karena itu, sudah sewajarnya jika kayu jati, menurut pandangan masyarakat khususnya pemborong, nilainya mahal.

Dalam hidup bermasyarakat, berbangsa, maupun bernegara, nilai pancasila merupakan standar hidup bangsa yang berideologi pancasila. Nilai ini sudah pernah dikemas dan disosialisasikan melalui P4 (Pedoman, Penghayatan, dan Pengamalan Pancasila), dan dianjurkan disekolah-sekolah sebagaimana telah dibahas di muka. Anda hendaknya sadar bahwa secara historis, nilai pancasila digali dari puncak-puncak kebudayaan, nilai agama, dan adat istiadat bangsa Indonesia sendiri, bukan dikulak dari negara lain. Nilai ini sudah ada sejak bangsa Indonesia lahir. Oleh karena itu, sudah sepantasnya jika pancasila mendapat predikat sebagai jiwa bangsa.

Nilai Pancasila yang digali dari bumi Indonesia sendiri merupakan pandangan hidup/panutan hidaup bangsa Indonesia. Kemudian, ditingkatkan kembali menjadi Dasar Negara yang secara yuridis formal ditetapkan pada tanggal 18 Agustus 1945, yaitu sehari setelah Indonesia merdeka. Secara spesifik, nilai Pancasila telah tercermin dalam norma seprti norma agama, kesusilaan, kesopanan, kebiasaan, serta norma hukum. Dengan demikian, nilai Pancasila secara individu hendaknya dimaknai sebagai cermin perilaku hidup sehari-hari yang terwujud dalam cara bersikap dan dalam cara bertindak.

Berdasarkan uraian di muka dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengertian dan makna nilai adalah suatu bobot/kualitas perbuatan kebaikan yang mendapat dalam berbagai hal yang dianggap sebagai sesesuatu yang berharga, berguna, dan memiliki manfaat. Dalam pembelajaran PKn SD, nilai sangat penting untuk ditanamkan sejak dini karena nilai bermanfaat sebagai standar pegangan hidup.

Pengertian moral, menurut Suseno (1998) adalah ukuran baik-buruknya seseorang, baik sebagai pribadi maupun sebagai warga masyarakat, dan warga negara. Sedangkan pendidikan moral adalah pendidikan untuk menjadaikan anak manusia bermoral dan manusiawi. Sedangkan menurut Ouska dan Whellan (1997), moral adalah prinsip baik-buruk yang ada dan melekat dalam diri individu/seseorang. Walaupun moral itu berada dalam diri individu, tetapi moral berada dalam suatu sistem yang berwujut aturan. Moral dan moralitas memiliki sedikit perbedaan, karena moral adalah prinsip baik-buruk sedangkan moralitas merupakan kualitas pertimbangan baik-buruk. Dengan demikian, hakekat dan makna moralitas bisa dilihat dari cara individu yang memiliki moral dalam mematuhi maupun menjalankan aturan.

Ada beberapa pakar yang mengembangkan pembelajaran nilai moral, dengan tujuan membentuk watak atau karakteristik anak. Pakar-pakar tersebut diantaranya adalah Newman, Simon, Howe, dan Lickona. Dari beberapa pakar tersebut, pendapat Lickona yang lebih cocok diterapkan untuk membentuk watak/karater anak. Pandangan Lickona (1992) tersebut dikenal dengan educating for character atau pendidikan karakter/watak untuk membangun karakter atau watak anak. Dalam hal ini, Lickona mengacu pada pemikiran filosofi Michael Novak yang berpendapat bahwa watak/ karakter seseorang dibentuk melalui tiga aspek yaitu, moral knowing, moral feeling, dan moral behavior, yang satu sama lain saling berhubungan dan terkait. Lickona menggarisbawahi pemikiran Novak. Ia berpendapat bahwa pembentukan karakter/watak anak dapat dilakukan melalui tiga kerangka pikir, yaitu konsep moral(moral knowing), sikap moral(moral feeling), dan prilaku moral(moral behavior). Dengan demikian, hasil pembentukan sikap karekter anak pun dapat dilihat dari tiga aspek, yaitu konsep moral, sikap moral, dan perilaku moral.

Pemikiran Lickona ini mengupayakan dapat digunakan untuk membentuk watak anak, agar dapat memiliki karater demokrasi. Oleh karena itu, materi tersebut harus menyentuh tiga aspek teori (Lickona), seperti berikut.

Konsep moral (moral knowing) mencakup kesadaran moral (moral awarness), pengetahuan nilai moral (knowing moral value), pandangan ke depan (perspective talking), penalaran moral (reasoning), pengambilan keputusan (decision making), dan pengetahuan diri (self knowledge).

Sikap moral (moral feeling) mencakup kata hati (conscience), rasa percaya diri (self esteem), empati (emphaty), cinta kebaikan (loving the good), pengendalian diri (self control), dan kerendahan hati (and huminity).

Prilaku moral (moral behavior) mencakup kemampuan (compalance), kemauan (will) dan kebiasaan (habbit).

Berdasarkan uraian di muka, dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengertian moral/ moralitas adalah suatu tuntutan prilaku yang baik yang dimiliki individu sebagai moralitas, yang tercermin dalam pemikiran/konsep, sikap, dan tingkah laku. Dalam pembelajaran PKn, moral sangat penting untuk ditanamkan pada anak usia SD, karena proses pembelajaran PKn SD memang bertujuan untuk membentuk moral anak, yaitu moral yang sesuai dengan nilai falsafah hidupnya.

Pengertian norma adalah tolok ukur/alat untuk mengukur benar salahnya suatu sikap dan tindakan manusia. Normal juga bisa diartikan sebagai aturan yang berisi rambu-rambu yang menggambarkan ukuran tertentu, yang di dalamnya terkandung nilai benar/salah. Norma yang berlaku dimasyarakat Indonesia ada lima, yaitu (1) norma agama, (2) norma susila, (3) norma kesopanan, (4) norma kebiasan, dan (5) norma hukum, disamping adanya norma-norma lainnya.

Pelanggaran norma biasanya mendapatkan sanksi, tetapi bukan berupa hukuman di pengadilan. Menurut anda apa sanksi dari pelanggaran norma agama? Sanksi dari agama ditentukan oleh Tuhan. Oleh karena itu, hukumannya berupa siksaan di akhirat, atau di dunia atas kehendak Tuhan. Sanksi pelanggaran/ penyimpangan norma kesusilaan adalah moral yang biasanya berupa gunjingan dari lingkungannya. Penyimpangan norma kesopanan dan norma kebiasaan, seperti sopan santun dan etika yang berlaku di lingkungannya, juga mendapat sanksi moral dari masyarakat, misalnya berupa gunjingan atau cemooh. Begitu pula norma hukum, biasanya berupa aturan-aturan atau undang-undang yang berlaku di masyarakat dan disepakati bersama.

Berdasarkan uraian diatas, dapat disimpulkan bahwa norma adalah petunjuk hidup bagi warga yang ada dalam masyarakat, karena norma tersebut mengandung sanksi. Siapa saja, baik individu maupun kelompok, yang melanggar norma dapat hukuman yang berwujud sanksi, seperti sanksi agama dari Tuhan dan dapartemen agama, sanksi akibat pelanmggaran susila, kesopanan, hukum, maupun kebiasaan yang berupa sanksi moral dari masyarakat.

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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
The sense of value, according to Djahiri (1999), is the price, the meaning, contents and messages, spirit, or soul express and implied in fact, concepts, and theories, thereby functionally meaningless. Here, the value is enabled to direct, control, and specifies the behavior of a person, because the value was made the standard behavior. While according to Dictionary in Winataputra (1989), the value is the price or the quality of something. That is, something is considered to have value when something is of valuable indeed. Values education is education which promotes and internalize the values in students. PKN SD is subjects that serve as educational value, i.e. the subjects to socialize and internalize the values of pancasila/Indigo nation's culture as the PKn SD. curriculum implementation of values education in addition to Bloom's taxonomy through dkk, can also use the level of affective (Kratzwoh, 1967), in the form of the acceptance of the value (receiving), penaggapan value (responding), the value of the award (valuing), an organising (organization), a value karaterisasi value (characterization). Example: the value of teak wood objects are considered to be high, so has the value of selling teak wood is more expensive than wood or other wood camphor. Are of teak wood is wood which has a good quality, tough, not easily kropos, and stronger than the other types of wood such as camphor. Therefore, it's only natural if teak wood, according to the views of the community in particular, the value of expensive contractors.In the life of a community, a nation, or a country, the values of pancasila is the nation's standard of living berideologi pancasila. This value has already been packaged and socialized via P4 (guidelines, and Implementing Pancasila Penghayatan), and it is recommended disekolah-sekolah as has been discussed in advance. You should be aware that historically, the values of pancasila was dug from the tops of the culture, religious values, and customs of the people of Indonesia itself, not dikulak from other countries. This value already exists since the nation of Indonesia is born. Therefore, it is appropriate that if pancasila got the predicate as the soul of the nation. The value of the earth excavated from the Pancasila Indonesia itself a view of life/role model hidaup nation of Indonesia. Later, improved returns to base state that juridically formalized set on August 18, 1945, the day after Indonesia's independence. Specifically, the values of Pancasila has been reflected in such religious norms, norms of decency, civility, habits, as well as the legal norms. Thus, the values of Pancasila individually should be meant as the mirror daily living behavior that manifest in how to behave and act in the way. Based on the description on the face of it can be concluded that the sense and meaning of the value is a weighted/quality of deeds of kindness that got in the various things that are regarded as a valuable, useful sesesuatu, and has its benefits. In learning ELEMENTARY, PKn value is very important for implanted early on because the value is useful as a standard handle life. The moral sense, according to Suseno (1998) is a measure of one's baik-buruknya, both as a person and as a citizen of the community, and citizens. While the moral education is education for children's moral and human menjadaikan humane. While according to Ouska and Whellan (1997), the moral principle is the existing and baik-buruk inherent in the individual/person. Although the moral of it is in the individual, but the morale is in a system that berwujut rules. Morals and morality has a bit of a difference, because it is the principle of moral baik-buruk while morality is the quality of the consideration of baik-buruk. Thus, the essence and the meaning of morality can be seen from the way individuals who have both run in compliance with moral rules. There are some experts who develop the learning of moral values, with the aim of forming the character or the characteristics of the child. These experts include Newman, Simon, Howe, and Lickona. Of these, some experts opinions of a more suitable Lickona applied to form the character/karater child. Lickona (1992) view is known for educating for character or character education/character to build character or the character of the child. In this case, Lickona refers to Michael Novak's philosophy thought which argues that the character of a person's character is formed through/three aspects namely, moral, moral feeling, knowing and moral behavior, which are interconnected to each other and linked. Lickona underlining thought Novak. He argued that the establishment of the children's character/characters can be done through three framework of thought, that is the concept of moral (moral knowing), the attitude of moral (moral feeling), and moral behaviour (moral behavior). Thus, the result of the formation of any child character attitude can be seen from three aspects, namely the concept of moral, moral attitudes, behaviour and morals.Lickona greener thinking can be used to shape the character of the child, in order to have a karater democracy. Therefore, such material should be touching the three aspects of the theory (Lickona), as follows.The concept of moral (moral knowing) includes moral awareness (moral awarness), moral values knowledge (knowing the moral value), foresight (perspective talking), moral reasoning (reasoning), decision-making (decision making), and knowledge of self (self knowledge).The attitude of moral (moral feeling) include the word heart (conscience), confidence (self esteem), empathy (emphaty) goodness, love (loving the good), restraint (self control), and humility (and huminity). Moral behavior (moral behavior) include the ability (compalance), willpower (will) and habit (habbit). Based on the description in advance, it can be concluded that the sense of moral/morale is a good nutrition demands that individual as morality, which is reflected in the thought/concept, attitudes, and behavior. In a study of PKn, morale is very important to instil in children the age of SD, as the PKn SD learning indeed aims to shape the moral child, i.e. According to the moral philosophy of life. The notion of norm is a benchmark tool for measuring correct/harm a human attitudes and actions. Normal also could be interpreted as a rule containing the signs that describe a specific size, in which is contained the value of true/false. The prevailing norms of dimasyarakat Indonesia five, namely (1) religious norms, moral norm (2), (3) the norms of civility, (4) the customs, norms and (5) legal norms, in addition to any other norms.Violations of the norm usually get penalized, but not in the form of punishment in the courts. What do you think of the sanctions violations of the norms of the religion? The sanction of religion is determined by God. Therefore, the punishment in the form of punishment in the afterlife, or in the world of God's will. Sanctions violations/deviations moral decency norms is usually gunjingan from its environment. Aberration of decency norms and norms of customs, such as good manners and ethics that apply in their environment, moral sanctions also got from the public, for example in the form of gunjingan or scorn. So did the legal norms, usually in the form of rules or laws applicable in the community and mutually agreed.Based on explanation above, it can be inferred that the norm is the hint of life for the citizens in the community, because the norms contain sanctions. Anyone, whether individuals or groups, in violation of the norms of the penalty can be tangible sanctions such as penalties, the religion of God, and dapartemen religion, pelanmggaran manner due to sanctions, civility, laws, and customs that form the moral sanction of society.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]

Terms of value, according to Djahiri (1999), is the price, the meaning, content and message, spirit, or the soul of explicit and implicit in the facts, concepts, and theories, thus functionally meaningful. Here, the value function for directing, controlling, and determine a person's behavior, since the value used as the standard of behavior. Meanwhile, according to the Winataputra Dictionary (1989), the value is the price or quality of something. That is, something considered to have value if something is intrinsically valuable indeed. Education is the educational value socialize and internalize the values ​​in students. SD Civics is a subject that serves as an educational value, which is subject to socialize and internalize the values ​​of Pancasila / national culture as it is in elementary civics curriculum. Implementation of values ​​education in addition to through the Taxonomy et al, can also use the affective level (Kratzwoh, 1967), in the form of acceptance of the value of (receiving), penaggapan value (responding), the award value (valuing), organizer of the value of (organization), karaterisasi values ​​(characterization ). Example: The value of teak wood objects considered to be high, so that teak has a sale value is more expensive than wood or other wood camphor. Intrinsically teak wood is wood that has good quality, tough, not easy kropos, and more powerful than other types of wood such as camphor. Therefore, it is natural if teak, in the view of the public, especially contractors, worth considering. In the life of society, nation, and state, the value of Pancasila is the standard of living of the nation whose ideology of Pancasila. This value has been packaged and disseminated through P4 (Guidelines, appreciation, and implementation of Pancasila), and encouraged in schools as has been discussed in advance. You should be aware that historically, Pancasila values ​​extracted from the tops of the culture, religious values, and customs of the Indonesian people themselves, not dikulak from other countries. This value has existed since the birth of the Indonesian nation. Therefore, it is appropriate if the Pancasila received the title as the soul of the nation. Value Pancasila Indonesia dug from the earth itself is a view of life / role hidaup Indonesian nation. Then, improved back into the State of which are nominally set at August 18, 1945, the day after Indonesia's independence. Specifically, the value of Pancasila has been reflected in the norms bleak religious norms, morality, decency, habits, as well as legal norms. Thus, the value of individual Pancasila should be interpreted as a reflection of everyday life behavior manifested in how to behave and act in a way. Based on the description in advance can be concluded that the sense and meaning of values ​​is a weight / quality of goodness act that gets in different things sesesuatu regarded as valuable, useful, and have benefits. In elementary school civics lesson, a very important value to be fostered as beneficial as the standard value of a handle on life. Understanding the moral, according Suseno (1998) is a measure of the merits of a person, both as individuals and as citizens, and citizens. While the moral education is education for children menjadaikan moral and humane man. Meanwhile, according Ouska and Whellan (1997), is a moral principle that there are good-bad and inherent within the individual / person. Although the morale is within the individual, but the moral is in a system which berwujut rules. Moral and morality have a little difference, because the moral is the principle of good-bad, while morality is considered good and bad qualities. Thus, the nature and meaning of morality can be seen from the way individuals have to comply with and carry out moral rules. There are some experts who developed the teaching of moral values, with the goal of shaping the character or characteristics of the child. The experts include Newman, Simon, Howe, and Lickona. From some of these experts, opinions Lickona is more suitable to be applied to form the character / karater children. Lickona view (1992) is known for educating for character or character education / character to build a child's character or disposition. In this case, Lickona refers to the philosophical thinking of Michael Novak who found character / character of a person is formed through three aspects, namely, moral knowing, moral feeling, and moral behavior, which each other interconnected and related. Lickona underline thought Novak. He argues that the formation of the character / character kid can be done through three frameworks, namely the concept of moral (moral knowing), moral attitudes (moral feeling), and moral behavior (moral behavior). Thus, the results of the attitude of the character formation of the child can be seen from three aspects, namely the concept of moral, moral attitudes and moral behavior. The idea is to seek Lickona can be used to shape the character of the child, in order to have a democratic karater. Therefore, the material must touch the three aspects of the theory (Lickona), as follows. The concept of moral (moral knowing) include moral consciousness (moral awareness), knowledge of moral values ​​(knowing moral value), foresight (perspective talking), reasoning moral (reasoning), decision making (decision making), and knowledge of self (self-knowledge). The attitude of moral (moral feeling) include heart (conscience), confidence (self esteem), empathy (empathy), love kindness (loving the good), self-control (self control), and humility (and huminity). Behaviour moral (moral behavior) include the ability (compalance), volition (will) and habits (habbit). Based on the description in advance, it can be concluded that the definition morals / morality is a demand for good behavior of the individual as morality, which is reflected in the thinking / concept, attitude, and behavior. In civics lesson, the moral is very important to invest in children of primary school age, because the learning process is aimed at elementary school Civics shape children's moral, that moral values ​​are in accordance with the philosophy of life. Understanding the norm are benchmarks / tools to measure the truth or falsity of an attitude and action human. Normal can also be interpreted as a rule which provides signs that describe a certain size, which has in it the value of true / false. Indonesian community norms there are five, namely (1) the norms of religion, (2) moral norms, (3) norms of decency, (4) the norm habits, and (5) the legal norms, in addition to the other norms. Violation of norms usually get penalized, but not in the form of punishment in the courts. What do you think the sanctions of violation of religious norms? Sanctions of religion is determined by God. Therefore, punishment in the form of torment in the hereafter, or in the world by the will of God. Sanctions violations / deviations moral obscenity is usually in the form of gossip from the environment. Deviations norms of decency and customs norms, such as manners and ethics in the neighborhood, also received moral sanction of society, for example in the form of gossip or ridicule. Similarly, legal norms, usually in the form of rules or laws that apply in the community and mutually agreed. Based on the description above, it can be concluded that the norm is a guide for people who live in the community, because it contains sanctions norm. Anyone, either individually or in groups, which violate the norms can be tangible penalty sanctions, such as sanctions dapartemen religion of God and religion, sanctions due to pelanmggaran propriety, decency, laws, and customs that form the moral sanction of society.

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