Terms of value, according to Djahiri (1999), is the price, the meaning, content and message, spirit, or the soul of explicit and implicit in the facts, concepts, and theories, thus functionally meaningful. Here, the value function for directing, controlling, and determine a person's behavior, since the value used as the standard of behavior. Meanwhile, according to the Winataputra Dictionary (1989), the value is the price or quality of something. That is, something considered to have value if something is intrinsically valuable indeed. Education is the educational value socialize and internalize the values in students. SD Civics is a subject that serves as an educational value, which is subject to socialize and internalize the values of Pancasila / national culture as it is in elementary civics curriculum. Implementation of values education in addition to through the Taxonomy et al, can also use the affective level (Kratzwoh, 1967), in the form of acceptance of the value of (receiving), penaggapan value (responding), the award value (valuing), organizer of the value of (organization), karaterisasi values (characterization ). Example: The value of teak wood objects considered to be high, so that teak has a sale value is more expensive than wood or other wood camphor. Intrinsically teak wood is wood that has good quality, tough, not easy kropos, and more powerful than other types of wood such as camphor. Therefore, it is natural if teak, in the view of the public, especially contractors, worth considering. In the life of society, nation, and state, the value of Pancasila is the standard of living of the nation whose ideology of Pancasila. This value has been packaged and disseminated through P4 (Guidelines, appreciation, and implementation of Pancasila), and encouraged in schools as has been discussed in advance. You should be aware that historically, Pancasila values extracted from the tops of the culture, religious values, and customs of the Indonesian people themselves, not dikulak from other countries. This value has existed since the birth of the Indonesian nation. Therefore, it is appropriate if the Pancasila received the title as the soul of the nation. Value Pancasila Indonesia dug from the earth itself is a view of life / role hidaup Indonesian nation. Then, improved back into the State of which are nominally set at August 18, 1945, the day after Indonesia's independence. Specifically, the value of Pancasila has been reflected in the norms bleak religious norms, morality, decency, habits, as well as legal norms. Thus, the value of individual Pancasila should be interpreted as a reflection of everyday life behavior manifested in how to behave and act in a way. Based on the description in advance can be concluded that the sense and meaning of values is a weight / quality of goodness act that gets in different things sesesuatu regarded as valuable, useful, and have benefits. In elementary school civics lesson, a very important value to be fostered as beneficial as the standard value of a handle on life. Understanding the moral, according Suseno (1998) is a measure of the merits of a person, both as individuals and as citizens, and citizens. While the moral education is education for children menjadaikan moral and humane man. Meanwhile, according Ouska and Whellan (1997), is a moral principle that there are good-bad and inherent within the individual / person. Although the morale is within the individual, but the moral is in a system which berwujut rules. Moral and morality have a little difference, because the moral is the principle of good-bad, while morality is considered good and bad qualities. Thus, the nature and meaning of morality can be seen from the way individuals have to comply with and carry out moral rules. There are some experts who developed the teaching of moral values, with the goal of shaping the character or characteristics of the child. The experts include Newman, Simon, Howe, and Lickona. From some of these experts, opinions Lickona is more suitable to be applied to form the character / karater children. Lickona view (1992) is known for educating for character or character education / character to build a child's character or disposition. In this case, Lickona refers to the philosophical thinking of Michael Novak who found character / character of a person is formed through three aspects, namely, moral knowing, moral feeling, and moral behavior, which each other interconnected and related. Lickona underline thought Novak. He argues that the formation of the character / character kid can be done through three frameworks, namely the concept of moral (moral knowing), moral attitudes (moral feeling), and moral behavior (moral behavior). Thus, the results of the attitude of the character formation of the child can be seen from three aspects, namely the concept of moral, moral attitudes and moral behavior. The idea is to seek Lickona can be used to shape the character of the child, in order to have a democratic karater. Therefore, the material must touch the three aspects of the theory (Lickona), as follows. The concept of moral (moral knowing) include moral consciousness (moral awareness), knowledge of moral values (knowing moral value), foresight (perspective talking), reasoning moral (reasoning), decision making (decision making), and knowledge of self (self-knowledge). The attitude of moral (moral feeling) include heart (conscience), confidence (self esteem), empathy (empathy), love kindness (loving the good), self-control (self control), and humility (and huminity). Behaviour moral (moral behavior) include the ability (compalance), volition (will) and habits (habbit). Based on the description in advance, it can be concluded that the definition morals / morality is a demand for good behavior of the individual as morality, which is reflected in the thinking / concept, attitude, and behavior. In civics lesson, the moral is very important to invest in children of primary school age, because the learning process is aimed at elementary school Civics shape children's moral, that moral values are in accordance with the philosophy of life. Understanding the norm are benchmarks / tools to measure the truth or falsity of an attitude and action human. Normal can also be interpreted as a rule which provides signs that describe a certain size, which has in it the value of true / false. Indonesian community norms there are five, namely (1) the norms of religion, (2) moral norms, (3) norms of decency, (4) the norm habits, and (5) the legal norms, in addition to the other norms. Violation of norms usually get penalized, but not in the form of punishment in the courts. What do you think the sanctions of violation of religious norms? Sanctions of religion is determined by God. Therefore, punishment in the form of torment in the hereafter, or in the world by the will of God. Sanctions violations / deviations moral obscenity is usually in the form of gossip from the environment. Deviations norms of decency and customs norms, such as manners and ethics in the neighborhood, also received moral sanction of society, for example in the form of gossip or ridicule. Similarly, legal norms, usually in the form of rules or laws that apply in the community and mutually agreed. Based on the description above, it can be concluded that the norm is a guide for people who live in the community, because it contains sanctions norm. Anyone, either individually or in groups, which violate the norms can be tangible penalty sanctions, such as sanctions dapartemen religion of God and religion, sanctions due to pelanmggaran propriety, decency, laws, and customs that form the moral sanction of society.
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