My name is j. I would choose the Faculty of law. My first reason is the Faculty of law were restored as I wanted to change the conditions of the Indonesian State law so it's fair for its citizens, especially medium-sized community down. For example, a chicken-stealing can be imprisoned for years, while the corruptor can get out go to prison like their own home. Second, because the chances it works too broadly, a law degree can work as a lawyer, notary, judges, ambassadors, and can also work in private companies/Government.What if I received at the president of the university, I wanted to do there was to improve my academic quality, improving the ability to speak English to me, prepare me in global competition, and became one of the students who are active in a variety of activities and organiasi that are on the president of the university.I plan to do next is find a worked in an agency for several years to raise the money that I can use to continue my lecture to a higher jenjng.
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