MIRACLEJudul: Miracle in Cell No.7 (English title) / Number 7 Room's G terjemahan - MIRACLEJudul: Miracle in Cell No.7 (English title) / Number 7 Room's G Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

MIRACLEJudul: Miracle in Cell No.7

Judul: Miracle in Cell No.7 (English title) / Number 7 Room's Gift (literal title)
Judul Korea: 7beonbangui Seonmool
Hangul: 7번방의 선물
Director: Lee Hwan-Kyung
Penulis Skenario: Lee Hwan-Kyung, Kim Hwang-Sung, Kim Young-Suk
Producer: Lim Min-Sub
Cinematographer: Kang Seung-Ki
Rilis: 23 January 2013
Runtime: 127 min.
Genre: Drama / Comedy / Tearjerker / Prison / Father & Daughter / Law
Distributor: Next Entertainment World
Bahasa: Korean

Para Pemain Film Korea
Ryoo Seung-Ryong sebagai Yong-Goo
Park Shin-Hye sebagai Ye-Seung (Putri Yong-Goo)
Jung Jin-Young sebagai warden
Oh Dal-Su sebagai napi
Park Won-Sang sebagai napi
Jeong Man-Sik sebagai napi
Kim Jung-Tae sebagai napi

Sinopsis Film Korea Miracle in Cell No. 7
Film Korea Miracle in Cell No.7 menceritakan seorang ayah bernama Yong Goo (diperankan Ryoo Seung Ryong) yang memiliki keterbelakangan mental. Namun, begitu mencintai putrinya Ye Seung (diperankan Park Shin Hye) yang berusia 6 tahun. Suatu hari, berawal dari konflik pada sebuah tas kuning bergambar Sailor Moon, sesuatu yang telah dijanjikan Lee Yong-gu kepada Ye-sung, ia malah terjebak dalam sebuah kasus dengan tuduhan melakukan penculikan, kekerasan seksual, hingga pembunuhan pada anak seorang komisaris polisi, anak yang telah membeli tas terakhir yang telah lama mereka dambakan.

Ayah dan anak ini pun terpisah, Ye-sung dikirim ke sebuah lembaga pengasuhan. Sedangkan, Yong Goo dimasukan dalam sel penjara no.7, di mana sel tersebut memiliki tingkat keamanan tinggi. Penghuni lain di dalam sel tersebut menyadari kalau Yong Goo adalah seseorang yang memiliki keterbelakangan mental.

Yong Goo hanya memiliki satu keinginan: melihat putrinya, Ye Seung. Tetapi karena sel mereka memiliki peraturan tidak diperbolehkan menerima kunjungan, maka seluruh penghuni sel 7 yang dipimpin gangster kocak yang nyawanya diselamatkan Yong Goo berusaha mewujudkan keinginannya masing-masing termasuk berusaha agar Ye Seung dapat menemui ayahnya.

Setelah dewasa Ye Seung yang menjadi seorang mahasiswi hukum, berusaha sangat keras di pengadilan untuk membuktikan bahwa sesungguhnya sang ayah tidak bersalah.

Bagaimana kisah selanjutnya? Mampukah Yong Goo bertemu dengan putrinya Ye Sung kembali? Berhasilkah Ye Sung membuktikan ayahnya tidak bersalah? Saksikan dalam film Korea Miracle in Cell No. 7.

Miracle Journey: Kisah Perjalanan Penuh Keajaiban Kitta Kafadaru
by Yudhi Herwibowo (Goodreads Author)
3.8 of 5 stars 3.80 • rating details • 15 ratings • 8 reviews
Kisah Perjalanan Penuh Keajaiban Kitta Kafadaru
Kitta Kafadaru adalah sosok istimewa yang terlahir dengan cahaya-cahaya di tangannya. Konon dari tangannya itulah ia bisa menyembuhkan penyakit-penyakit yang diderita oleh orang-orang di desanya, Kofa.

Namun ternyata di balik keistimewaan itu, ia terlahir tak sempurna: ada sebuah punuk di punggungnya. Maka ketika ia jatuh cinta pada seorang perempuan yang baru disembuhkannya dari luka bakar di wajahnya, perempuan itu menolaknya.

Itulah yang membuat Kitta Kafadaru berusaha untuk menyembuhkan sendiri punuk di punggungnya, sayangnya, ia tak mampu. Rasa malu pun membuatnya meninggalkan Kofa.

Di sepanjang perjalanan itulah ia kemudian bertemu dengan seorang lelaki tua yang selalu mengisahkan kisah-kisah ajaib padanya. Satu kisah tentang Matu Lesso, orang yang dapat memanggil hujan dengan menabur pasir di udara, kemudian seperti menginspirasi Kitta Kafadaru untuk menjadi manusia biasa, tanpa cahaya-cahaya di tangannya, dan juga punuk di punggungnya.
film yang bisa membuat saya menangis meraung-raung, maka saya memutuskan untuk menonton salah satu film drama komedi Korea yang katanya sangat direkomendasikan oleh banyak orang, karena film ini adalah film yang bisa mengeringkan air mata para penontonnya. Film yang saya maksud adalah Miracle in Cell No. 7. Film yang menceritakan tentang hubungan ayah anak yang dimana ayahnya mempunyai penyakit keterbelakangan mental, yaitu berperilaku layaknya anak umur 6 tahun, sementara anaknya tumbuh normal, lalu apa yang terjadi jika anaknya sudah tumbuh dewasa dan mempunyai intelegensi yang jauh lebih baik dari ayahnya? Tenang, anda bukan sedang menonton film I am Sam yang dibintangi oleh Sean Penn, walau memiliki premis yang hampir mirip, tentang hubungan ayah anak yang mempunyai kelainan, film Korea yang disutradarai oleh Lee Hwan-Kyung ini lebih mengeksplor hubungan ayah anak tersebut di satu waktu, yaitu ketika sang ayah harus dipejebloskan ke dalam penjara gara-gara tindakan kriminal yang sebenarnya tidak pernah ia lakukan. Singkatnya, film ini sangat berpotensi untuk menjadi film tearjerker, tapi beberapa plot holenya terlalu mengganggu kekhusyukan saya menonton film berdurasi dua jam ini.
Miracle in Cell No. 7 dibuka dengan cerita seorang ayah yang mempunyai penyakit keterbelakangan mental, Yong-Goo (Ryu Seung-Ryong) yang tinggal dengan putrinya yang masih kecil, Ye-Seung (Kal So-Won). Mereka hidup bahagia berdua, sampai suatu waktu, ada insiden yang memisahkan Yong-Goo dan Ye-Seung. Yong-Goo dituduh telah menculik, memperkosa dan membunuh seorang gadis cilik yang sebaya dengan putrinya sendiri. Lebih parah lagi, gadis cilik yang tewas tersebut adalah anak dari seorang kepala polisi. Maka tidak ayal lagi, Yong-Goo yang bicara saja masih terbata-bata langsung dijebloskan ke penjara untuk dihukum mati, padahal kejadian yang dialaminya tidak sepenuhnya benar.
Masuk ke penjara penuh dengan para kriminal sejati tentunya memancing banyak perhatian, Yong-Goo yang basically adalah seorang yang ‘kurang pintar’ masuk ke dalam sel nomor tujuh yang dihuni oleh para mantan gangster dan penipu ulung. Tapi berkat suatu insiden yang lagi-lagi terjadi karena tindakan Yong-Goo yang polos, teman-teman satu selnya berusaha untuk membantu Yong-Goo, sampai akhirnya salah satu dari mereka nekat untuk menyelundupkan Ye-Seung ke dalam sel nomor tujuh, karena mereka tidak tahan dengan penderitaan Yong-Goo yang tidak bisa hidup jauh dari putrinya.
Pada dasarnya, film ini memakai resep jitu yang saya jamin bisa membuat 99% pria menangis meraung-raung. Konsepnya hampir sama dengan film Hello Ghost yang berhasil membuat saya mewek tak tertahankan, yaitu di paruh awal banyak sekali adegan yang memancing kelucuan, tapi mendekati paruh akhir, siap-siap saja mental anda ditempa dengan adegan-adegan tearjerker yang kurang ajar. Tapi sebagai film komedi, Miracle in Cell No. 7 sukses membuat saya tertawa terbahak-bahak, apalagi ketika Yong-Goo dan teman-teman satu selnya mulai berulah, tidak sedikit adegan konyol yang terjadi apalagi ketika sudah melibatkan sang mantan gansgter yang buta huruf, epik!
Tapi seperti yang saya bilang di awal, Miracle in Cell No. 7 terlalu menyepelekan hal-hal detail yang jujur sebenarnya ingin saya abaikan ketika menonton film-film seperti ini, tapi seperti jeblosnya Yong-Goo ke penjara tanpa persidangan yang layak dan rekomendasi yang layak dari seorang saksi ahli kalau ia itu sebenarnya mempunyai penyakit keterbelakangan mental benar-benar sangat tidak masuk akal, sekalipun korbannya adalah anak kepala kepolisian seantero Korea Selatan, hal-hal seperti ini harusnya menjadi sorotan media yang lebih kritik. Kemudian kondisi penjara yang benar-benar seperti penjara ‘bocah’, padahal di dalamnya diisi oleh para napi kelas kakap, apalagi ketika adegan balon udara muncul, oke itu memang terlalu ‘fairytale’ sekali, jika disebut ‘hyper-realism’ juga sudah sangat terlalu hyper, harus dibedakan dengan Hello Ghost yang memang sedari awal sudah mengusung konsep supernatural, sehingga even jika ada adegan-adegan diluar logika muncul pun masih bisa dimaafkan. Tapi di Miracle in Cell No. 7 ini simply to good to be true.
Well, diluar semua itu film ini masih mempunyai momen-momen magis dalam menguras air mata para penontonnya, saya harus akui, tidak sedikit juga adegan yang sangat menyentuhnya, apalagi ketika mendekati ending film ini. Tapi ya itu dia, impact-nya mungkin tidak se-tearjerker Hello Ghost yang berhasil membuat saya benar-benar menitikkan air mata, ha-ha. Long story short, Miracle in Cell No. 7 adalah film keluarga paket lengkap, drama dan komedinya berimbang dan bersinergi dengan sangat sempurna, penampilan para aktor dan aktrisnya pun patut diacungi jempol, apalagi para teman-teman satu sel Yong-Goo yang luar biasa konyolnya. Tunggu apalagi? Kalau anda sedang butuh tontonan yang menyentuh dari negeri ginseng, langsung saja tonton Miracle in Cell No. 7. Remember, don’t cry a lot, he-he.
Miracle "Menantang Maut"
Miracle "Menantang Maut" merupakan sebuah film Indonesia yang dirilis pada tahun 2007. Film yang disutradarai oleh Helfi Kardit ini dibintangi antara lain oleh Keira Shabira, Lian Firman, Andry Ilham,Dhitra Marfie Nadilla Ernesta, Lady Veronica, Wishnu Wijaya, Abimana Aryasatya, Intan Ayu Purnama, dan Audrey. Tayangan perdananya pada 13 Desember 2007.
Sinopsis[sunting | sunting sumber]
Film ini menceritakan tentang siswa-siswi kelas 3 suatu SMU akan melakukan berdarmawisata. Beberapa menit sebelum berangkat, Kinar (Keira Shabira), siswi kelas 3 sosial 1 mendapat penglihatan kalau bus kelas mereka akan mengalami kecelakaan dan terbakar. Kinar memperingatkan teman-teman dan Guru tetapi tidak digubris.
Kinar malah diseret turun oleh ketua angkatan, Satyo (Lian Firman) dan wali kelas Pak Irawan (Abimana Aryasatya). Kaka (Andry Ilham), sahabat Satyo ikut turun, tetapi dia melarang Elisa (Audrey) pacarnya untuk turun. Selain itu ada Ago (Dhitra Marfie), Tania (Lady Veronica), Mey (Nadilla Ernesta), dan Aldi (Wishnu Wijaya) yang akhirnya turun karena suatu alasan. Bus kelas itu berangkat duluan, sedangkan mereka yang turun, rencananya dinaikkan ke bus untuk guru.
Bus kelas 3 Sosial 1 itu ternyata mengalami kecelakaan seperti penglihatan Kinar. Semuanya tewas. Delapan orang yang turun semua selamat, yaitu Satyo, Pak Irawan, Kaka, Ago, Tania, Mey, Aldi, dan Kinar sendiri. Akan tetapi ternyata kematian tidak berhenti begitu saja. Satu persatu mereka mati, diawali o
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
MIRACLETitle: Miracle in Cell No. 7 (English title)/Number 7 Room's Gift (literal title)Title: Korea 7beonbangui SeonmoolHangul: 7번방의 선물Director: Lee Hwan KyungScreenwriter: Lee Hwan-Kyung, Kim Hwang-Sung, Kim Young-SukProducer: Lim Min-SubCinematographer: Kang Seung-KiReleased: 23 January 2013Runtime: 127 min.Genre: Drama/Comedy/Tearjerker/Prison/Father & Daughter/LawDistributor: Next Entertainment WorldLanguage: KoreanKorea Movie PlayersRyoo Seung-Ryong as Yong-GooPark Shin-Hye as Ye-Seung (daughter of Yong-Goo)Jung Jin-Young as wardenOh Dal-Su as prisonersPark Won-Sang as prisonersJeong Man-Sik as prisonersKim Jung-Tae as prisonersA synopsis of the Film Korea Miracle in Cell No. 7Korea film Miracle in Cell No. 7 tells of a father named Goo Yong (played by Ryoo Seung Ryong) who have mental retardation. However, once loved her daughter Ye Seung (played by Park Shin Hye) aged 6 years. One day, the beginning of the conflict on a yellow bag with Sailor Moon, something he had promised Lee Yong-gu to Ye-sung, he instead got caught up in a case on charges of committing sexual violence, abduction, murder and handed on the son of a children's Commissioner of police, who had bought the last bag that has long been their desires.This father and son were separated, Ye-sung was sent to an institution of caregiving. Meanwhile, Yong Goo placed in jail cell no. 7, where the cells have a high level of security. Other inmates in the cell of the realized if Yong Goo is a person who has mental retardation.Goo Yong has only one desire: to see his daughter, Ye Seung. But because the cells they have rules is not allowed to receive visits, then the entire cell dweller 7 hilarious gangsta who led his life saved Yong Goo trying to realize his wish of each, including trying to find his father, Seung Ye can.After Seung Ye adult who became a student of law, trying very hard to prove in court that his father is innocent.How the story goes? Mampukah Goo Yong met with her daughter Ye Sung back? Berhasilkah Ye Sung prove his father's innocence? Watch the movie, Korea Miracle in Cell No. 7.Miracle Journey: The Story Of A Trip Full Of Wonders Kitta Kafadaruby Yudhi Herwibowo (Goodreads Author)3.8 of 5 stars rating 3.80 • details • 15 • 8 ratings reviewsTravel Stories Full Of Magic Kitta Kafadaru Kitta Kafadaru is a special figure was born with light-light in her hand. Purportedly from his hands that he can cure diseases suffered by people in his village, Kofa. But behind that privilege, he was not perfect: there is a hump on his back. Then when he falls in love with a woman who recently disembuhkannya from burns on her face, the woman refused. That's what makes Kitta Kafadaru trying to heal its own hump on his back, unfortunately, he could not afford. Shyness also makes him leave the Kofa. Along the way he later met an old man who always deals with her magical stories. One story about Dead people, Lesso can call rain with sowing sand in the air, then such inspiring Kitta Kafadaru to become an ordinary man, without light-light in her hand, and also the hump on his back.the film could have made me bawl, then I decided to watch one movie comedy Korea which he said is highly recommended by many people, because it is a film that can dry the tears of the audience. I mean the movie Miracle in Cell No. 7. The film tells the story of a father's relationship with his father has the disease of mental retardation, which behaves like a child aged 6 years, while her son grow up normal, and then what happens if his son has grown up and has a much better intelligence from his father? Calm down, you're not watching the movie I am Sam Starring Sean Penn, although having a similar premise, the child's father about the relationship have abnormalities, Korea film directed by Lee Hwan-Kyung is more corporate relationships the child's father at one time, i.e. when the father should be dipejebloskan into prison because of crimes he never actually did. In short, this movie is very potential to become film tearjerker, but some of the plot is too disruptive kekhusyukan holenya I watch this movie lasts two hours.Miracle in Cell No. 7 opens with the story of a father who had disease mental retardation, Yong-Goo (Ryu Seung-Ryong) who lives with her daughter who is still small, Ye-Seung (So-Cal Won). They both lived happily, until one time, there was an incident that separates Yong-Goo and Ye-Seung. Yong-Goo was accused of kidnapping, raping and killing a young girl peers with his own daughter. Worse yet, the girl child who was killed was the son of a police chief. It is no doubt, Yong-Goo that talk alone still stammering instantly thrown into jail to be put to death, even though the events that affect them is not entirely correct.Enter the prison filled with the true criminal course fishing much attention, Yong-Goo that is basically a ' less intelligent ' entry into the cell, the number seven, which is inhabited by the former gangsters and fraudsters debaters. But thanks to an incident which again occurs due to the action of a plain Yong-Goo, the cellmate's friends trying to help Yong-Goo, until eventually one of them desperate to smuggle Ye-Seung into cell number seven, because they do not put up with the suffering-Goo Yong who can't live away from her daughter.Basically, the movie wears a surefire recipe I assure you can make 99% of males bawl. The concept is similar to the movie Hello Ghost who managed to make my mewek irresistible, that in the early half of the many scenes that provoke cuteness, but nearing the end of the half, ready-prepared just mentally you forged with a tearjerker scenes brash. But as a comedy film, Miracle in Cell No. 7 's success made me laugh out loud, especially when Yong-Goo and his cellmate started acting, not least the ridiculous scene happen especially when it involves the former gansgter are illiterate, epic!But as I said at the beginning, Miracle in Cell No. 7 too underestimate the things of truthful detail is actually want to ignore me when watching movies like this, but like jeblosnya Yong-Goo to prison without trial are worthy and decent recommendations from an expert witness if he did in fact have the disease mental retardation is really very unreasonable, though the victim was the son of Chief of police across South Korea , things like this should be a media spotlight more criticism. Then the prison conditions really like prison ' boy ', when it is completed by the convict class snapper, let alone when the balloon POPs, okay it was too ' fairytale ' once, if it is called a ' hyper-realism ' had also been very hyper, too should be distinguished with Hello Ghost that indeed there are already initial concept of the supernatural, so even if some scenes outside of logic appears to still be forgiven. But the Miracle in Cell No. 7 is simply to good to be true.Well, outside of that film still has the magical moments in your drain tears the audience, I have to admit, not least also the scene very touching it, especially when approaching the ending of this movie. But yes it is him, his impact may not be se-tearjerker Hello Ghost who managed to make me truly moved to tears, ha-ha. Long story short, the Miracle in the Cell No. 7 is a complete package, family drama and balanced his comic and synergize with very perfect, the appearance of the actors and aktrisnya are worth a thumbs up, never mind the friends one cell Yong-Goo incredible ridiculous. Wait let alone? If you are in need of spectacle that touches from the land of ginseng, just watch a Miracle in Cell No. 7. Remember, don't cry a lot, he-he.Miracle "Defy Death"Miracle "Defy death" is a film that was released in Indonesia in 2007. Films directed by this Kardit Helfi starring Keira Shabira, Lian Said, Andry Dhitra, Brainwave Marfie Nadilla Ernesta, Lady Veronica, Vishnu Wijaya, Aryasatya, diamond Abimana Ayu full moon, and Audrey. First impressions on December 13, 2007.Synopsis [edit | edit source]The film tells the story of a HIGH SCHOOL 3rd grade students will perform a berdarmawisata. A few minutes before departure, Kinar (Keira Shabira), social grade 3 students 1 had the vision that they would experience class bus crash and burn. Kinar warned friends and teachers but not queries.Kinar instead dragged down by force, Satyo (Lian Word) and homeroom teacher Mr. Dunlap (Abimana Aryasatya). Kaka (Andry Inspiration), a friend of Satyo participated down, but he forbids Elisha (Audrey) her boyfriend to go down. In addition there are Ago (Dhitra Marfie), Tania (Lady Veronica), Mey (Nadilla Ernesta) and Aldi (Vishnu Wijaya) who eventually falls for a reason. Class bus departing first, while they are down, his plan was raised to the bus for the teacher.Social class 3 1 bus that turned out to have an accident as vision Kinar. All of them were killed. Eight people down all survived, namely Satyo, Mr. Dunlap, Kaka, Ago, Tania, Mey, Aldi, and Kinar himself. But it turns out the death did not stop it. One by one they died, starting with o
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Title: Miracle in Cell # 7 (English title) / Number 7 Room's Gift (literal title)
Title Korea: 7beonbangui Seonmool
Hangul: 7 번방 의 선물
Director: Lee Hwan-kyung
Writers: Lee Hwan-kyung, Kim Hwang- Sung, Kim Young-Suk
Producer: Lim Min-Sub
Cinematographer: Kang Seung-Ki
Release: 23 January 2013
Runtime: 127 min.
Genre: Drama / Comedy / Tearjerker / Prison / Father & Daughter / Law
Distributor: Next Entertainment World
Language: Korean The Korean Film Cast Ryoo Seung-Ryong as Yong-Goo Park Shin Hye as Ye-Seung (Princess Yong-Goo) Jung Jin-Young as warden Oh Dal-Su as a prisoner Park Won-Sang as a prisoner Jeong Man-Sik as prisoner Kim Jung-Tae as prisoners Korean Film Synopsis Miracle in Cell No. 7 Korean film Miracle in Cell 7 tells of a father named Yong Goo (played by Ryoo Seung-Ryong) who have mental retardation. However, so in love with his daughter Ye Seung (played by Park Shin Hye) who was 6 years old. One day, originated from the conflict in a yellow bag picture of Sailor Moon, something that has been promised Lee Yong-gu to Ye-sung, he instead trapped in a case on charges of kidnapping, sexual assault, to murder the son of a police commissioner, child who have bought the last bag they have long deserved. The father and children were separated, Ye-sung sent to a care institution. Meanwhile, Yong Goo no.7 included in a prison cell, where the cell has a high security level. Other occupants in the cell realizes that Yong Goo is a person who has mental retardation. Yong Goo has only one desire: to see his daughter, Ye Seung. But because their cells have not allowed to receive visits rules, then all the inhabitants of 7 cells led comical gangster who saved his life trying to fulfill his desire Yong Goo each including trying to Ye Seung can meet his father. As adults Ye Seung which became a law student, trying very hard in court to prove that the real father is innocent. So what happens next? Can Goo Yong Sung Ye see her daughter back? Did Ye Sung prove his innocence? Watch the Korean film Miracle in Cell No. 7. Miracle Journey: Journey Full of Wonders Kitta Kafadaru by Yudhi Herwibowo (Goodreads Author) 3.8 of 5 stars rating details 3.80 • • • 15 ratings 8 reviews Journey Full of Wonders Kitta Kafadaru Kitta Kafadaru is a special figure who was born with the lights on hand. It is said of her that he could cure diseases suffered by people in his village, Kofa. But apparently behind that privilege, he was born imperfect: there is a hump on his back. So when he falls in love with a woman who has just healed from the burns on her face, she turned it down. That's what makes Kitta Kafadaru trying to heal itself hump on his back, unfortunately, he could not. The embarrassment was made ​​to leave Kofa. In all the way that he then met with an old man who always tells the stories of her magic. One story about Matu Lesso, people who can bring rain to sow the sand in the air, then as inspire Kitta Kafadaru to be human, without lights in his hand, and also the hump on his back. movie that can make me bawl, so I decided to watch one movie comedy Korea who he highly recommended by many people, because this film is a film that can dry the tears of the audience. I mean the movie Miracle in Cell No. 7. The film tells the story of a father son relationship where the father has the disease of mental retardation, which behaves like a 6 year old child, while the child is growing normally, then what happens if the child has grown up and has a much better intelligence than his father? Calm down, you're not watching a movie I am Sam, starring Sean Penn, despite having almost similar premise, about a father who had abnormal child, Korean movie directed by Lee Hwan-kyung's further explore the relationship of the child's father at one time , that is, when the father should dipejebloskan into prison because of crimes he never actually did. In short, this movie has the potential to be a tearjerker movie, but some plot holenya too intrusive solemnities I watch this two-hour film. Miracle in Cell No. 7 opens with the story of a father who has mental retardation diseases, Yong-Goo (Ryu Seung-Ryong) who lives with her ​​young daughter, Ye-Seung (Kal So-Won). They lived happily together, until one time, there were separate incidents and Ye Yong-Goo-Seung. Yong-Goo accused of kidnapping, raping and killing a little girl the same age as his own daughter. Worse yet, the little girl who was killed was the son of a police chief. So doubtless, Yong-Goo are talking only still stammering directly sent to prison to be executed, but the events that happened is not entirely true. Go to jail filled with the true criminals certainly provoke a lot of attention, Yong-Goo which basically is a 'less intelligent' entry into the cell number seven inhabited by former gangster and an imposter. But thanks to an incident which again occurred because of the actions Yong-Goo innocent, his cell mates are trying to help Yong-Goo, until finally one of them desperate to smuggle Ye-Seung into the cell number seven, because they do not resistant to suffering Yong-Goo who can not live away from her daughter. Basically, this film wears a recipe that I guarantee could make 99% of men bawl. The concept is similar to the film Hello Ghost who managed to make me mewek unbearable, namely in the early half of a lot of scenes that provoke cuteness, but approaching the end of the half, get ready for your mental forged with scenes tearjerker brazen. But as comedy, Miracle in Cell No. 7 success makes me laugh out loud, especially when Yong-Goo and friends cellmate started acting up, not a little ridiculous scene which occurs especially when it involves the former gansgter illiterate, epic! But as I said at the beginning, Miracle in Cell No. 7 too underestimate things honest detail actually want me to ignore when watching films like this, but as jeblosnya Yong-Goo to jail without a proper trial and appropriate recommendations of an expert witness if he was actually having mental retardation disease correctly -Right very unreasonable, even if the victim was the son of the police chief across South Korea, things like this should be more criticism of the media spotlight. Then the prison conditions were really like a prison 'boy', while inside it is filled by the high profile inmates, especially when air balloon scene appears, okay it was too 'fairytale' once, if the so-called 'hyper-realism' has also been very too hyper, should be distinguished from Hello Ghost which was from the outset has brought the concept of the supernatural, so even if there are scenes beyond logic appears even excusable. But in Miracle in Cell No. 7 is simply to good to be true. Well, beyond all that, this film still has the magical moments in the drain tears of the audience, I must admit, not least also a very touching scene, especially when approaching the ending of this movie. But yes it is him, his impact may not be as-tearjerker Hello Ghost who managed to make me really tears, ha-ha. Long story short, Miracle in Cell No. 7 is a complete package of family movies, drama and comedy with a very balanced and perfect synergy, the appearance of the actors and actresses was admirable, especially the friends of the cell Yong-Goo incredible ridiculous. What are you waiting for? If you are in need of touching spectacle of ginseng, just watch Miracle in Cell No. 7. Remember, do not cry a lot, he-he. Miracle "Challenging Death" Miracle "Challenging Death" is an Indonesian films released in 2007. The film, directed by Helfi Kardit starring among others by Keira Shabira, Lian The Word, Andry Ilham, Dhitra Marfie Nadilla Ernesta, Lady Veronica, Vishnu Wijaya, Abimana Aryasatya, Intan Ayu Purnama, and Audrey. Impressions premiere on December 13, 2007. Synopsis [edit | edit source] This film tells the story of three students in a high school class will do an excursion. A few minutes before leaving, Kinar (Keira Shabira), social third-grader first-class bus had a vision that they will crash and burn. Kinar warn friends and teachers, but was ignored. Kinar instead dragged down by the head of the force, Satyo (Lian Firman) and homeroom Mr. Irawan (Abimana Aryasatya). Kaka (Andry Ilham), Satyo friends come down, but he banned Elisa (Audrey) his girlfriend to get off. In addition there Ago (Dhitra Marfie), Tania (Lady Veronica), Mey (Nadilla Ernesta) and Aldi (Vishnu Wijaya) which finally fell for a reason. Buses that go first class, while they were down, the plan raised to the bus for the teacher. Bus grade 3 Social 1 turned out to have an accident like vision Kinar. All of them were killed. Eight people who fell all survived, namely Satyo, Mr. Irawan, Kaka, Ago, Tania, Mey, Aldi, and Kinar himself. But apparently not just stop death. One by one they die, beginning o

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