Sebelumnya saya akan berterima kasih kepada kalian semua orang-orang h terjemahan - Sebelumnya saya akan berterima kasih kepada kalian semua orang-orang h Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

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Sebelumnya saya akan berterima kasih kepada kalian semua orang-orang hebat karna saya telah dipersilahkan untuk berbicara dihadapan kalian semua. Sebelum masuk ke inti saya akan menjelaskan tentang beberapa hal yang terjadi saat ini yang saya sampaikan yang pertama tentang keadilan Pemerintah negara yaitu Pemerintah harus adil dalam menjalankan tugasnya dan memberi keadilan bagi setiap orang akan tetapi pada saat ini Pemerintah tidak menjalankan tugasnya dengan benar dan baik. Dengan hal itu Pemerintah harus dibenahi lagi agar lebih baik dalam menjalankan tugasnya. Yang kedua tentang perdamaian negara yaitu kita harus bertoleransi dengan negara tetangga agar tidak terjadi perselisihan dan tidak menimbulkan masalah supaya negara kita selalu dalam kedamaian
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
I will be grateful to all of you great people because I have are welcome to talk to all of you. Before getting into the core I will explain about some of the things that happened today that I pass the first State Government about justice that is the Government should be fair in the running task and provide justice for everyone but at the moment the Government does not exercise its task properly and well. With that the Government must be addressed again in order to better execute his duties. The second about the peace of the country i.e. we should tolerant with neighboring countries to avoid quarrels and not cause problems so that our country is always in peace
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Previously I would be grateful to all of you great people because I have been invited to speak before you all. Before getting to the point I will explain some of the things happening now that I have to first of justice Government states that the Government should be fair in their duties and provide justice for everyone but the current government is not performing its duties properly and well. With that the Government must be addressed again in order to better carry out their duties. The second of peace states that we must put up with neighboring countries in order to avoid disputes and does not pose a problem so that we are always in a state of peace
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