Ruler Of The Land is Korea manhwa works JEON Keuk-jin and Jae-hyun. In Indonesia have been published by Elex Media Komputindo. The main character is Han Bi Kwang and Dam Hwarin.WORLD PERSILATAN: 1. FLOW of black:BLACK WIND PARTY is the biggest black stream of the party, has the goal of unification of the world. Almost the entire flow of the black subject under the command of the party the black wind.Chairman: Cheon Ma Sin GunGuard: black wind the 4th led by Ji HyeoPupils 1. not yet revealed Guard: black wind 1 chaired by cold blood sword Doc Go Hyul (alleged)2. Do wool cheonguards: the black wind, led by a pair of crazy spirit sword Hwan Bo Ung (alleged)3. Jin Fung Sampguards: the 3rd black wind is headed by Nam Jung Bo4. Cho Wun HyeonGuard: black wind of the 5th led by Dong Gyu5. Choi Sang Hweguards: the black wind is led by Hyun Be6. Han Bi KwangGuard: black wind 7 led by Hong KyunPARTY YU SEN JAE DOK BU wrote a black stream of smaller parties appeared at the beginning of the story.Chairman: Si Yeon (slain along with Jin The Pills by the party Song Mumun) replaced his younger brother The Hwi4 Kings of heavens: Bi Hyeon Gyeong, Jin, Dong wu, Pyo GonThe PARTY is the party of the GOK HYUB HO where the emergence of the science of human and demon singgong jaha bunhen Chairman: Gwak Jin HyunHWANYOUNG PARTY is a party that likes to collect information, famous with the skill of disguise and hallucination. they are exposed to curse a lot yg yg survived death and her face was destroyed.Chairman: Cheon Min Yeob (die against HBK)yg figure appears:Young (die exposed to kick HBK science cheon ma absorbs bone Peel energy)JuRyeo (descendants of Ma An Dr. desert, approaching Gwak Jin Hyun to get Jaha singgong)PARTY JEOM BUChairman: Spear the sky No Jae Kyong, (sister of the noho's dead killed Chairman hwanyoung)the younger brother of Chairman: Jil Pung Rang (noho)GUIAMUN PARTY is the biggest black stream of the party in the eastern region of Hasoe, a follower of sinji basmi wind forces and in blackChairman: Guia Makgu (2nd elder brother kill Do Wool Cheon)2. The FLOW of white:SONGMUMUN PARTY is the party of the White stream yg black wind forces destroying the 4th but loses Chairman and Chairman of the wijin in the battle. the formation of mainstay party trackers the ghosts as well as sword formation science mainstay Chairman sword hallucinations (sword illusion of flying)Chair: Yu Won Chancharacter:-General Dong Hee Kwong (most party elders in respect)Yoo Seung-Bin (sister yu won chan, Chairman of the wijin)Jang-Gun (garrison commander)-Cholim (Force Commander an oxime)-Sang Geun Gwan (geomhon, Chairman of the party's betrayal)Fung Samp-Son (Chairman chuhon)PARTY BYOK FUNG (blue Wind)Previous: Cheon Chairman yu Hyeon (God of medicine/elder yak seon, one of the pillars of the White stream)Chairman: Cheon Young Wun Ak (one of 6 new Dragon White stream)HAKSAN PARTYChairman: Mun Jong Hu (God of Machete, one of the pillars of the White stream yg teaches the basic techniques of HBK)-Jin Phe Wun (have relationships with small time DHR, one of 6 white stream Dragon)YONBI PARTYChairman: Yonbi-Lee Hwa (daughter of the yonbi family, one of the 6 new Dragon White stream)-caretaker Gu-song physicians (family physicians yonbi)PARTY CONG KYONGthe Chairman: not informed-Hwi chun Ma (one of 6 new Dragon White stream)HYON PARTY MU is the No. 1 party in stream of white but already in international forums, only the former followers of Emperor sword yg settled on Mt. Jang Defender, became the center of the White stream.Chairman: Sin Wu Dam (the Emperor of swords, one of the pillars of the White stream)-Eun Seokwu/Eun Chongsa (Commander of the mountain jangbek)-Dam Hwa Rin (a grandson of Emperor sword)Seha-Yu/Ma Geomrang (sister of scholars DHR, trained Devil sword and science gone mad)Uncle Gongson-Byuk (yg mebong villagers work collecting medicinal plants in Jangbek)-Uncle Wi Jinbo (yg mebong villagers work collecting medicinal plants in Jangbek)-Huno and Jingu (Army silver nongnum Hall, the subject of exercise HBK)Gongson-Tae (exam participants Engyol nongum Hall)Namgung-So (test participants Engyol nongum Hall, in black with a light breeze boxing HBK white)-teacher Wang wun (science teachers sword nongum Hall, followers of sinji yg is killing guege)-Uncle Jae ilkyung (the teacher's style is furtive way, sinji followers)-Uncle Yong Tae (becoming a follower of sinji)-Uncle Jang Moju (leader of the formation of eight direction six-layer)SAMDA PARTY is party no. 2 white flow but became the first victim of the black wind party. Elder Guege (Bekli Sau) handed his party to Cheon ma sin gun. then ventured alone into a beggar.Chairman: Bekli Sau (Guege elder, one of the pillars of the White stream yg teaches HBK science Geuksunsim-cheon)children: Bekli Hyang (becoming a follower of Shinji and die by the sword, maryong)The PARTY is the party of the middle stream of the DEDO white wrote in to destroy by Jin Fun Bek (the pupil)character: Me Yu Jin (girl archers using the bow gun hyonmu)The PARTY is a small party of SINMU flow white wrote its Chairman lost his hand while fighting the Devil with a sword last 20thnpupil: Cha jun Ho (twin sword without shadow of murdered servants Ja som fung)YUJIN PARTY Chairman: Munju-Somunju (the successor to party leader yujin)-ChangHui (yujin party doorman)Coalition of white stream Shinto Gok is a collection of party white flow yg mengahadang wind forces black to-7Chairman: Shinto Ju Gok Poyang-Sinjeonmun Hajeok, elder Cha Young Jang, Dohaepa Gijagi, elder Ga Cheong Un, Horrimun, elders Young Chung (character flow white-me jd shinji followers)3. NEUTRAL FLOW:North River Ice Palacechaired by: Dan Wu Heonchildren: The blood Devil flower (Bu Yong) fled from the Palace became a bounty hunterBrutes from the South (Namlim Yasujok) is a neutral party yg bring the beast in battle.ketua : Hwang Goen Wu menunggang Cheon Jihoanak : So Hyang ( nona kecil yg tidur semalaman dgn HBK )Padang Pasir Barat diketuai oleh raja racun 10rb ( kemungkinan besar )Gunung Timur ( Dong Ryong ) adalah partai aliran netral yg berbatasan dgn pintu masuk shinjidiketuai oleh : Salsung ( nenek putri Mi Go di gantikan oleh noho )Dewi dong ryong : putri Mi Go ( punya kekuatan penyembuhan )Pendekar Besar di Dong Ryong (mewakili masing2 suku dong Ryong ) :- Guk Yeong Baek senjata golok ( yg akan bunuh diri tapi dicegah oleh Noho )- Go Yong Hoo senjata tombak bertali ( yg melindungi putri migo dari pemberontakan suku2 di dong ryong )- Eung Mok senjata panah ( yg mengawal HBK sampai sinji )- Mo Jung Geom senjata double stick panjang ( yg dibunuh Jaddam dgn pisau )- Sa Yo Heuk senjata pedang ( yg kalah melawan DHR )- Oh Yoo Dae- Dan Beon ChulPartai Hyeol-Bal adalah partai netral tempat duel HBK vs Cheon wun akdiketuai: Yeo4. SHINJI ( Tanah Dewa )Sinji sebelumnya dipimpin oleh Jaha Masin yang mempunyai ilmu Jaha Singong sekitar 300 tahun yang lalu, terdiri dari 8 kelompok / suku namun terjadi kekacauan antar suku. Disaat perang berlarut2 sampai ratusan tahun muncul pendekar yg saat ini memimpin sinji ( pakai kuncir kuda mirip HBK, namun blm bisa dipastikan apakah ayah HBK atau bkn ). disamping itu syimbol dr masing2 kelompok yaitu sinmul 8 benda pusaka ( paldaegibo )SUKU PEDANG ( GeomJong ) adalah suku yg berkuasa di shinji saat ini, benda pusakanya pedang Gwemyeong dan pedang maryong.terdiri dari 2 bagian :* Ji Sin Gak ( Dewa Bumi ) di pimpin oleh Jong Ri Woo / guru Zong Li* Cheon Sin Gak ( kuil roh kahyangan ) di pimpin Sa Eun Mintokoh : - Ja Som Fung ( sudah mati dibunuh Yu Seha / kakak ipar)- Bekli Hyang anak tetua GueGue ( sudah mati dibunuh pedang Maryeong )- Jong Ri Woo / guru Zong Li- Ui Zihun / Wi jihen ( ketua pasukan pembasmi sinji )- Ban Gem Chun ( anak buah Ui Zihun, pengebom dr pasukan pembasmi )- Chehong ( anak buah ui zihun )- Jadam pendekar urutan 18 ( mati bertarung HBK )- Sa Eun Min pendekar sinji urutan 12 ( pimpinan cheon sin gak )- Gwan Eun Myeong pendekar sinji urutan 19- PungYeon Dolyeon ( calon penerus Sinji )- Huhak Yun Sang ( komandan Cheon geom dae / pedang ular / pedang sabuk kain )- Baek Geom ( kapten cheon geom dae )- Pendekar yin dan yang (Juwan Yang&Juwan Eum) urutan 48 dan 49- Gyochung ( kopral pasukan inspeksi )- Im Dae Gon ( letnan pasukan cheon geom dae )- Im Cheol Gon ( geomjon tingkat 10, Cheol Hyeol Gwi Geom / pedang hantu tulang besi, pemimpin pasukan cheol hyeol cheon geom dae )- Daewonchim Wongyeon ( penjaga pintu masuk shinji pengendali gihonjin )- singgong / Sinmyogagjudo ( salah satu tokoh pilar aliran putih menjadi pengikut shinji dan menciptakan gihonjin ) SUKU GOLOK (DOJONG) adalah suku pemimpin Shinji terdahulu, benda pusakanya pedang naga api ( hwaryong )tokoh :- Hyol Roe- Rhim Hayuk ( anak buah hyolroe yg dbunuh HBK )SUKU PANAH ( GUNGJONG ) benda pusakanya busur meriam hyonmutokoh : Geum Ja Hyeon junior.SUKU ILUSI ( HWANJONG / Hwanma Jeon ) benda pusakanya wajah raja setan- ketua: Hwanjon Jon Myeong- Wol Ryong ( wanita bercadar yg menyelamatkan Hyolroe )- pria bertopeng misterius yg menggunakan gigong, punya hubungan dgn ketua hwanjongSUKU Tombak ( perkiraan karena 8 benda pusaka adalah symbol tiap suku ) benda pusakanya Tombak chuhenTokoh yg muncul :- pedang darah iblis ( pembunuh yg terkenal kejam tangannya di buntungin DHW di awal cerita )- Kum san Dok An Jing Sang Pil / Hyeon Wu ( pendekar yg suka wanita dan arak, mantan pasukan angin hitam sahabat ketua angin hitam k-7 Hong Kyun )- Jin Yun Un ( pemburu hadiah bersama Bu yong )- Gu Injun ( pemimpin penjahat yg di bunuh tapak dewa es putih )- Baek Mu Hon ( pemburu hadiah, muncul atas permintaan oh hyeon sik yg tinggal di myeongil dong, gangdong gu, seoul bekas anggota partai Jiok )- Anak Petir ( kakek maho pe
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