A. PengertianLaringitis adalah peradangan kotak suara (laring) karena  terjemahan - A. PengertianLaringitis adalah peradangan kotak suara (laring) karena  Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

A. PengertianLaringitis adalah pera

A. Pengertian
Laringitis adalah peradangan kotak suara (laring) karena terlalu banyak digunakan, iritasi atau infeksi. Di dalam kotak suara terdapat pita suara - dua lipatan selaput lendir yang membungkus otot dan tulang rawan.
  B. Etiologi
Inflamasi laring sering terjadi sebagai akibat terlalu banyak menggunakan suara, pemanjaan  terhadap debu, bahan kimiawi , asap rokok, dan polutan lainnya, atau sebagai bagian dari infeksi saluran nafas atas.
Penyebab inflamsi ini hamper selalu karena virus . Invasi bakteri mungkin sekunder. Laringitis biasanya berkaitan dengan ringitis atau nasofaring. Awitan infeksi mungkin berkaitan dengan pemanjaan terhadap perubahan suhu mendadak, defisiensi diet, malnutrisi, dan tidak ada imunitas.
               Hampir semua penyebab inflamasi ini adalah virus. Invasi bakteri mungkin sekunder. Laringitis biasanyan disertai rinitis atau nasofaring. Awitan infeksi mungkin berkaitan dengan pemajanan terhadap perubahan suhu mendadak, defisiensi diet, malnutrisi, dan tidak ada immunitas. Laringitis umum terjadi pada musim dingin dan mudah ditularkan. Ini terjadi seiring Dengan menurunnya daya tahan tubuh dari host serta prevalensi virus yang meningkat. Laringitis ini biasanya didahului oleh faringitis dan infeksi saluran nafas bagian atas lainnya. Hal ini akan mengakibatkan iritasi mukosa saluran nafas atas dan merangsang kelenjar mucus untuk memproduksi mucus secara berlebihan sehingga menyumbat saluran nafas. Kondisi tersebut akan merangsang terjadinya batuk hebat yang bisa menyebabkan iritasi pada laring. Dan memacu terjadinya inflamasi pada laring tersebut.
Inflamasi ini akan menyebabkan nyeri akibat pengeluaran mediator kimia darah yang jika berlebihan akan merangsang peningkatan suhu tubuh.
D. Manifestasi Klinik
Tanda dan gejala laringitis akut termasuk suara serak atau tidak dapat mengeluarkan suara sama sekali dan batuk berat. Laringitis kronis ditandai oleh suara serak yang persisten. Laringitis mungkin sebagai komplikasi sinusitis kronis dan bronkhitis kronis.

E. Penatalaksanaan Medis
Penatalaksanaan laringitis akut termasuk mengistirahatkan suara, menghindari merokok, istirahat di tempat tidur, dan menghirup uap dingin atau aerosol. Jika laringitis merupakan bagian dari infeksi pernafasan yang lebih luas akibat organisme bakteri atau jika lebih parah, terapi antibiotik yang tepat perlu diberikan. Sebagian besar pasien dapat sembuh dengan pengobatan konservatif, namun laringitis cenderung lebih parah pada pasien lansia dan dapat diperburuk oleh pneumonia.
Untuk laringitis kronis, pengobatannya termasuk mengistirahatkan suara, menghilangkan setiap infeksi traktus respiratorius primer yang mungkin ada, dan membatasi merokok .
 Penggunaan kortikosteroid topikal, seperti inhalsi beklometason dipropinate ( Vanceril), dapa juga digunakan.
Preparat ini tidak mempunyai efek sistemik atau kerja lama dan dapat mengurangi reaksi inflamsi lokal.
F.   Intervensi Keperawatan/ Pendidikan pasien
Pasien diinstruksikan untuk mengistirahatkan suara dan mempertahankan kelembaban lingkungan. Jika terjadi sekresi larinngeal selam periode akut, disarankan penggunaan ekspektoran sejalan dengan pemasukan cairan harian 3 L untuk mengencerkan sekresi.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
A. UnderstandingLaryngitis is an inflammation of the voice box (larynx) due to overuse, irritation or infection. In the sound box there are two voice tapes folds of mucous membranes that wrap the muscle and cartilage. B. EtiologyLaryngeal inflammation often occurs as a result of using too much indulgence towards the sound, dust, chemical materials, cigarette smoke, and other pollutants, or as part of the upper respiratory tract infections.The cause of this inflamsi almost always due to a virus. Bacterial invasion may be secondary. Laryngitis is usually associated with ringitis or nasopharynx. Awitan infection may be related to sudden changes of temperature against indulgences, diet deficiency, malnutrition, and there is no immunity.C. Pathophysiology Almost all causes of inflammation are viral. Bacterial invasion may be secondary. Laryngitis biasanyan accompanied rinitis or nasopharynx. Awitan infection may be related to sudden temperature change against pemajanan, diet deficiency, malnutrition, and no immunitas. Common laryngitis occur in winter and is easily transmitted. This happens due to the depreciation of the durability of the body from the host as well as the prevalence of the virus are increasing. This is usually preceded by laryngitis pharyngitis and upper respiratory tract infections, etc. This would lead to irritation of the mucosa of the upper respiratory tract and stimulate mucus glands to produce excessive mucus that obstructs the breather line. These conditions will stimulate the onset of coughing that can cause irritation of the larynx. And spur the occurrence of inflammation on the larynx.2This will cause the inflammatory pain due to blood chemical mediator expenditure if the excessive temperature increase will stimulate the body.D. Clinical ManifestationsSigns and symptoms of acute laryngitis include hoarse voice or no voice can issue altogether and coughing heavily. Chronic laryngitis is characterized by persistent hoarseness. Laryngitis may as chronic sinusitis complications and chronic bronchitis.E. Medical TreatmentTreatment of acute laryngitis include shutting down sound, avoiding smoking, rest in bed, cold and inhale the vapors or aerosols. If laryngitis is part of the wider respiratory infection due to bacterial organisms or if more severe, the proper antibiotic therapy needs to be given. Most patients can be cured with treatment, but conservatives tend to be more severe laryngitis on elderly patients and can be aggravated by pneumonia.For treatment of chronic laryngitis, including shutting down sound, remove every infection traktus respiratorius primer that may exist, and to restrict smoking. The use of topical corticosteroids, such as inhalsi beklometason dipropinate (Vanceril), can also be used.These preparations systemic effects or do not have work long and can reduce the reaction of local inflamsi.F. Intervention of nursing/patient educationPatients are instructed to rest the voice and retain moisture environment. In case of acute period of submarine larinngeal secretion, it is recommended the use of expectorant in line with daily fluid intake 3 L to dilute secretions.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
A. Definition
Laryngitis is an inflammation of the voice box (larynx) due to overuse, irritation or infection. At the ballot box are the vocal cords - two folds of mucous membrane that encloses the muscles and cartilage.
  B. The etiology of
laryngeal inflammation often occurs as a result of too much use of sound, indulgence to dust, chemicals, cigarette smoke, and other pollutants, or as part of the upper respiratory tract infection.
The cause is almost always due to inflamsi virus. Possible secondary bacterial invasion. Laryngitis is usually associated with ringitis or nasopharynx. Onset of infection may be associated with indulgence to sudden temperature changes, dietary deficiency, malnutrition, and no immunity.
               Almost all of this is a virus causes inflammation. Possible secondary bacterial invasion. Biasanyan laryngitis with rhinitis or nasopharynx. Onset of infection may be associated with exposure to sudden temperature changes, dietary deficiency, malnutrition, and no immunity. Laryngitis is common in winter and easily transmitted. It occurs along with immune deficiencies of the host as well as the increasing prevalence of the virus. Laryngitis is usually preceded by pharyngitis and upper respiratory tract infections other. This will result in irritation of the upper respiratory tract mucosa and stimulate mucus glands to produce excess mucus that clogs the airways. These conditions will stimulate severe coughing that can cause irritation of the larynx. And stimulate the occurrence of inflammation in the larynx.
This inflammation will cause pain due to expenditure of chemical mediators that if excessive blood will stimulate an increase in body temperature.
D. Clinical Manifestations
Signs and symptoms of acute laryngitis include hoarseness or can not make a sound at all and a severe cough. Chronic laryngitis is characterized by hoarseness persistent. Laryngitis may be a complication of chronic sinusitis and chronic bronchitis. E. Medical Management Management of acute laryngitis include resting the voice, avoiding smoking, bed rest, and inhaling cold vapor or aerosol. If the laryngitis is part of a respiratory infection wider due to bacterial organism or if more severe, appropriate antibiotic therapy should be given. Most patients can be cured with conservative treatment, but tends to be more severe laryngitis in elderly patients and may be aggravated by pneumonia. For chronic laryngitis, Treatment involves resting the voice, eliminating any primary respiratory tract infection that may exist, and restrict smoking.  The use of topical corticosteroids, such as beclomethasone inhalsi dipropinate (Vanceril), Dapa also used. This preparation does not have systemic effects or long work and can reduce local inflamsi reaction. F. Nursing Intervention / Education patients Patients are instructed to rest the voice and retain moisture environment. If there is a secretion larinngeal subs acute period, suggested the use of expectorants in line with the daily fluid intake 3 L to thin secretions.

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