I would describe putih.Pantai red white red beach is beach recreation .The former is one of the market at the time of entry Lambelu ship, but satelah tertukaran Lambelu ship between ships and boats Sangian terjadi.lalu Lambelu market in magic menjad one recreation area we know now with white mereh beach
.Kitapun in perinntahkan to get there together on a night that was not a holiday with one of the lecturers kita.untuk enjoy the atmosphere disana.tapi we were instructed to take the data presented in dapan room dam but our professors didak long bias long Disan, because there is another job waiting for him, and we also got there at night in case of a blackout it.But lampu.tapi although the extinction of lights and not a holiday, a night on the red beach putihpun so ramai.di visit, we were seated in one of the handsome sitting there, shortly lampupun menyala..dan uku look forward so banya see bsgitu people also in my balakang there are nelfon talk talk, dating dinner drink another drink and another, a variety of activities that nominally lakukan.dan I will menole to Selah My right serparkir so many vehicles and there are homes diner next keriku .and so vast stretch of sea that very memajakan mata.hinggs bembuat all disana.dengan JV feels comfortable in the air is so cold and the weather so we did not mendukung.membua ingn return to rumah.tati time not so mendukukung requires us to immediately return kerumah.dan it glimpses puti virgin red beach.
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