Yang saya hormati ibu salbiahDan teman teman semuanya Terimakasih yang terjemahan - Yang saya hormati ibu salbiahDan teman teman semuanya Terimakasih yang Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Yang saya hormati ibu salbiahDan te

Yang saya hormati ibu salbiah
Dan teman teman semuanya
Terimakasih yang sebesar-besarnya mari kita ucapkan. Puji syukur atas kehadirat Tuhan yang maha Esa atas segala rahmat-Nya yang telah diberikannya kepada kita semua

Pada kesempatan ini saya berdiri dihadapan kalian dan akan sedikit berbicara tentang harapan saya kepada generasi muda, dimana generasi muda adalah sekelompok orang yang akan menjadi tumpuan bangsa.

Generasi muda harus selalu berada pada landasan yang benar agar dapat merealisasikan cita-cita bangsa. Generasi muda mengemban amanat untuk memperjuangkan hak-hak dan cita-cita bangsa.

Semoga dengan diadakannya sekian program berkaitan dengan perbaikan serta pembangunan sarana pendidikan hal tersebut mampu menjadikan generasi muda kian lebih bersemangat untuk mewujudkan cita-cita bangsa.

Sabahat ku semuanya pada kesempatan yang berbahagia ini,

Sebagai generasi muda kita dituntut untuk senantiasa bersikap baik, belajar menjadi sosok yang bijak dan menhindari berbagai macam hal yang mengelirukan. Banyak tanggung jawab yang tertumpu pada kita. Kita adalah harapan banyak orang untuk meneruskan ekspektasi bangsa yang besar ini. Jangan pernah lupa terhadap tanggung jawab yang telah diamanahkan kepada kita.

Diere globalisasi ini kita telah dipermudah oleh sarana komunikasi. Mari kita manfaatkan hal ini untuk membangun bangsa dan membangun bangsa ini agar kedepannya kian lebih baik dan mewujudkan cita-cita para pahlawan yang telah gugur untuk menjadikan bangsa yang beragam ini menjadi bangsa yang sejahtera.

Bangsa ini masih jauh dari predikat sejahtera. Masih sangat sulit untuk mengatakan bahwa bangsa ini adalah bangsa yang makmur. Mari kita membangun dan berusaha, berkorban untuk mengembalikan cita-cita bangsa.

Harapan saya kepada para generasi muda adalah mengangkat bangsa ini menjadi bangsa yang makmur, aman, damai dan sejahtera.

Tidak akan ada Negara yang bisa membangun manakala Negara tersebut tidak memiliki generasi muda yang bermutu. Oleh yang demikian, kita sebagai generasi muda harus selalu berusaha untuk menjadi generasi yang baik dan berjiwa besar.

Hadirin sekalian yang saya cintai,

Demikian yang dapat saya sampaikan pada kesempatan ini, semoga dapat memberikan manfaat serta mampu mengingatkan kita semua agar senantiasa mengingat tanggung jawab yang telah dibebankan kepada kita.

Demikian, terimakasih atas perhatiannya.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
I respect Mrs. salbiahFriends and friends all The profuse thanks Let's say. Praise thanks for the presence of God Almighty for all his grace that has been given to all of usOn this occasion I stand before you and will be a little talk about my expectations to the younger generation, where the younger generation is a group of people that will be the Foundation of the nation.The younger generation should always be on the correct runway in order to realize the ideals of the nation. The younger generation of carrying out the mandate to fight for the rights and the ideals of the nation.Hopefully with the holding of several programs related to the improvement and development of educational tools that are capable of making the young generation increasingly more eager to realize the ideals of the nation.Sabahat ku are all on the occasion of the blessed it,As the younger generation we are required to always be kind, learn to be wise and avoid substantial figure assortment of things confused. A lot of the responsibility placed on us. We are the hope of many people to carry on this great nation's expectations. Do not ever forget the responsibilities that have been entrusted to us.Diere globalization we have been facilitated by means of communication. Let's take advantage of it to build the nation and build this nation so that future increasingly better and realize the ideals of the heroes who have died to make these diverse nation into a prosperous nation.The nation is still far from the prosperous predicates. Still it is very difficult to say that this nation is a prosperous nation. Let's build and trying, sacrifice for restoring the nation's ideals.My expectations to the younger generation is lifting this nation into a nation that is prosperous, secure, peaceful and prosperous.There will be no country that can build while those countries don't have good quality younger generation. Therefore, we as the younger generation should always strive to be a good generation and large-spirited.Ladies and gentlemen that I loved,So that I can pass on this opportunity, hopefully can provide benefits as well as afford reminds us all to continue considering the responsibilities that have been charged to us.So, thank you for your attention.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
I respect the mother Salbiah
And friends all
thanks profusely let's say. Thanks to the presence of almighty God Almighty for all His mercy he has given to us all On this occasion I stand before you and will be little talk about my hopes for the young generation, in which the younger generation is a group of people who will become the foundation of the nation. Generation The young should always be on the correct runway in order to realize the ideals of the nation. Undertaking the younger generation to fight for the rights and aspirations of the nation. Hopefully by holding so many programs related to the improvement and development of educational facilities it is able to make the younger generation becoming more eager to realize the ideals of the nation. Sabahat me all the happy occasion This, as the younger generation we are required to always be kind, learn to be a wise figure and avoiding all sorts of things that confuse. A lot of responsibility is predicated on us. We are the hope of many people's expectations continue this great nation. Never forget to responsibilities that have been entrusted to us. Diere globalization we have been facilitated by means of communication. Let's use this to build a nation and build the future of this nation getting better and realize the ideals of the heroes to make this diverse nation into a prosperous nation. This nation is far from prosperous predicate. Still it is difficult to say that this nation is a prosperous nation. Let us build and strive, to sacrifice to restore the ideals of the nation. It is my hope to the younger generation is to lift this nation to be a nation that is prosperous, secure, peaceful and prosperous. There will be no State can establish when the State does not have the young generation quality. By the way, we as young people should always strive to be the generation of a good and high-minded. Ladies and I love, So that I can say on this occasion, may be able to provide benefits and be able to remind us all to always remember the responsibility that imposed upon us. So, thank you for your attention.

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