The antibody is a substance formed by the body, which are derived from blood proteins types of gamma-globulin and serves to fight an antigen (foreign substance/foreign proteins) that goes into the body. Different types of antibodies are working with some of the ways to fight antigens:• Opsonin is the antibody that works by stimulating the leukocytes to attack antigens or germs.• Lysine is the antibody that works by destroying the antigens (Lysis).• Presipitin is the antibody that works by way of deposit antigens (precipitation), and• Aglutinin is the antibody works by agglomerate antigens (agglutination). General in charge of the fight against this antigen is a group of white blood cells (leukocytes). There are all kinds of leukocytes by various functions. Based on whether or not there is/granule in plasma, leukocytes are divided into:1. bergranula Leukocytes (granulocytes): • Neutrophils • Eosinophils • Basophils2. not bergranula Leukocytes (agranulosit): • Monocytes • Lymphocytes• Neutrophils: neutral Plasmanya, the core of his cell amounted to much (polymorphs) with an assortment of shapes. Neutrophils against antigens by the way eat it (phagocytosis). In addition to doing against germs, neutrophil phagocytosis also ate the body tissues that are damaged or die.• Eosinophils: Plasmanya are acidic. That is why they will look old when they are red ditetesi eosin. Eosinophils also are phagocytes and the number will increase if the body exposed to infection.• Basophils: Plasmanya is alkaline. Blue if ditetesi solution is alkaline. Basophils also are phagocytes. In addition, basophils contain anticoagulant (anti blood clotting), namely heparin.• Lymphocytes: Lymphocytes can not move and one nucleated. There are large in size and some are small. Lymphocytes function to form antibodies.• Monocytes: Monocytes can move like Amoeba and had a round core/long round. Monocytes are produced in the lymph tissues (lymph nodes) and are phagocytes.Various types of leukocytes over the key role against the immune cells, i.e. There are 2 phagocytes and lymphocytes.
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