Oath or al-qasam is a habitual thing or the Arabs in communicating to convince opponents interlocutor. Customs committed by Arabs is a reconstructed by the Qur'an even deconstructed value and meaning. Therefore, the Qur'an was revealed in the environs of the Arab nation and also in Arabic, then God also use oath in communicating Kalamnya.Even the habits in terms of the swearing has been around since the value of the doctrine of Islam is not yet well known order of the Arab nation. Although the Arabs known by worshipping idols (paganism) they keep rnenggunakan the word of God in the pledge, as assumed by the Qur'an in Sura Al-Fathiir 42 verse which reads:Meaning: "and they swear by God's name with the sekuat-kuat oath; Unless it comes to them a warning, they would be more got a instructions from one of the elect (another). When it comes to their warning, then return that does not add to them, except away from them (the truth) ". (QS. Al-Fathiir 35:42)Or in An-Nahl verse 38 says:It means: "They swear by God's name with a fervent oath:" God will not resurrect the dead ". (not so), even (surely God will be raised up "), as a true promise of God, but most of mankind know not." (QS. An-Nahl 16:38).The term qasam according to the language of the same thing with "al" and "Hilf al Yamin", but the charge meaning qasam firmer. Experts are assigned grammatical Arabic define qasam with sentences that have a bracing news function. While louis ma'luf, qasam interpreted with swear by God or others.As for the sense of the term according to qasam can be explained as follows:
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