Para Pihak menerangkan hal-hal sebagai berikut:Bahwa PIHAK PERTAMA den terjemahan - Para Pihak menerangkan hal-hal sebagai berikut:Bahwa PIHAK PERTAMA den Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Para Pihak menerangkan hal-hal seba

Para Pihak menerangkan hal-hal sebagai berikut:

Bahwa PIHAK PERTAMA dengan ini menjual kepada PIHAK KEDUA yang menerangkan telah membeli dari PIHAK PERTAMA:
Sebuah kapal bernama KINGFISHER.
Terutama terbuat daripada Fiberglass .
Dengan ukuran sebagai berikut:
• Panjang : 11,9 m ( meter)
• Lebar : 3,06 m (tiga koma koma nol enam meter)
• Dalam : 1 m (satu meter)
• Isi Kotor : 6 GT (6 Register Ton)
• Tanda Selar : J.5 No. 9917
Kapal dibuat pada tahun 2005.

Demikian berikut segala alat-alat atau peralatan-peralatan pada kapal tersebut yang menurut sifat dan peruntukannya atau menurut Undang-Undang dapat di-anggap sebagai bagian daripada kapal.

Selanjutnya Para Pihak menerangkan bahwa jual-beli ini dilangsungkan dan di-terima dengan syarat-syarat dan ketentuan-ketentuan sebagai berikut:

Pasal 1

Jual-beli ini dilangsungkan dan diterima seluruhnya dengan harga Rp _____ (_____ Rupiah). Jumlah uang mana dibayar oleh PIHAK KEDUA kepada PIHAK PERTAMA sebelum Perjanjian ini ditandatangani. Dan, untuk penerimaan jumlah uang itu PIHAK PERTAMA dengan ini memberikan pelunasannya, sehingga Perjanjian ini juga merupakan kuitansi untuk penerimaan jumlah itu.

Pasal 2

Apa yang dijual/dibeli dengan akta ini mulai hari ini berpindah kepada PIHAK KEDUA dan segala keuntungan dan kerugian yang didapat atau diderita, karenanya mulai hari ini menjadi miliknya atau dipikul oleh PIHAK KEDUA

Pasal 3

Apa yang dijual/dibeli dengan Perjanjian ini berpindah ke dalam pegangan PIHAK KEDUA dalam keadaan layak laut (zoo waardig), dan mengenai hal itu PIHAK KEDUA di kemudian hari tidak akan mengajukan tuntutan apa pun juga terhadap PIHAK PERTAMA.

Pasal 4

Apa yang dijual/dibeli dengan Perjanjian ini bebas dari hipotik dan hak-hak benda lainnya dan pula bebas dari sitaan.
PIHAK PERTAMA menjamin PIHAK KEDUA bahwa PIHAK PERTAMA adalah pemilik dari apa yang dijual dengan akta ini, dan PIHAK PERTAMA berhak untuk melakukan penjualan ini, bahwa PIHAK PERTAMA belum pernah menjual apa yang dijual dengan akta ini kepada pihak lain, dan PIHAK PERTAMA menjamin PIHAK KEDUA bahwa mengenai hal itu PIHAK KEDUA tidak akan mendapat tuntutan dari pihak lain yang menyatakan mempunyai hak terlebih dahulu ataupun turut mempunyai hak atas apa yang dijual dengan akta ini.

Pasal 5

Biaya Perjanjian ini serta bea balik nama dan semua ongkos-ongkos berkenaan dengan penyerahan apa yang dijual dengan Perjanjian ini kepada PIHAK KEDUA, denda-denda dan lain-lainnya yang berhubungan dengan jual-beli ini seluruhnya dipikul dan dibayar oleh PIHAK KEDUA.

Pasal 6

Apabila terjadi perselisihan di antara Para Pihak, maka akan diselesaikan dengan cara musyawarah. Jika dengan musyawarah tidak dapat diselesaikan, maka kedua belah pihak memilih domisili hukum yang umum dan tetap di Kantor Panitera Pengadilan Jakarta.

Demikian Perjanjian ini dibuat dan ditandatangani oleh Para Pihak pada hari, tanggal, bulan, dan tahun tersebut dalam awal Perjanjian, dibuat rangkap dua bermeterai cukup serta mempunyai kekuatan hukum yang sama untuk masing-masing pihak.
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
The parties explain things as follows:That FIRST PARTY hereby sells to BOTH PARTIES outlining the FIRST PARTY has purchased from: A ship called KINGFISHER.Mainly made of Fiberglass.By size as follows: • Length: 11.9 m (ft)• Width: 3.06 m (three comma comma zero six ft)• In: 1 m (one meter)• Dirty Contents: 6 GT (6 Register tons)• Mark Selar: j. 5 No. 9917The ship was made in 2005.Following any such tools or equipment on the ship which, according to the nature and the allocation or according to the legislation can be considered as part of the ship.Furthermore the Parties explained that this sale took place and accept the terms and conditions as follows:Article 1This sale is made and accepted at all _ _ _ _ _ (_ _ _ _ _ the Rupiah). The amount of money which is paid by the SECOND PARTY to the FIRST PARTY before this agreement is signed. And, for the reception of the amount of money that the FIRST PARTY hereby gives pelunasannya, so this agreement is also a receipt to receipt of that amount. Article 2What's being sold/purchased with this deed from today's move to the SECOND PARTY, and all profits and losses obtained or sustained, therefore start today as a possession or shouldered by the SECOND PARTY Article 3What's being sold/purchased with this agreement moved into SECOND-PARTY grip in a State worthy of the Sea (zoo waardig), and SECOND-PARTY about it at a later date will not be filing any charges against the FIRST PARTY also. Article 4What's being sold/purchased with this agreement free of mortgages and the rights to other objects and also free from confiscated. The FIRST PARTY SECOND PARTY guarantees that the FIRST PARTY is the owner of what is sold by this deed, and the FIRST PARTY reserves the right to conduct the sale, that the FIRST PARTY haven't been selling what is sold with this deed to another party, the FIRST PARTY and SECOND PARTY guarantees that the SECOND PARTY about it won't get demands from other parties that States have the right to first or has the right to take what is sold with this deed. Article 5The cost of this agreement as well as the name and turning all customs fees with regard to the delivery of what is sold with this agreement to the SECOND PARTY, fines and others associated with the sale and is entirely borne out and paid for by the SECOND PARTY. Article 6In the event of dispute between the parties, shall be resolved by way of deliberation. If the Assembly cannot be resolved, then both parties chose General legal domicile and remained at the Court Clerk's Office in Jakarta.So this agreement is made and signed by the parties on the day, date, month, and year in the agreement, made double legal enough and have the same legal force for each party.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
The Parties to explain things as follows: That the FIRST hereby sells to the SECOND PARTY that explains been bought from the FIRST PARTY: A ship named KINGFISHER. Especially made ​​than fiberglass. With the size as follows: • Length: 11.9 m (meters ) • Width: 3.06 m (three point zero six meters comma) • In: 1 m (one meter) • Dirty Contents: 6 GT (6 Register Tons) • Signs Selar: J.5 No. 9917 The ship was made ​​in 2005. Similarly, following all the tools or equipment on the vessel which, according to the nature and intended or under the Act can be regarded as part of the ship. Then the Parties explained that the sale is held and in-received with the terms and provisions as follows: Article 1 Buying and selling is held and accepted entirely at Rp _____ (_____ Rupiah). The amount of money which is paid by the SECOND PARTY to the FIRST PARTY before the agreement was signed. And, for receipt of the amount of money that the FIRST PARTY hereby callable, so that this Agreement is also a receipt for acceptance of that amount. Article 2 What are sold / purchased with this deed starting today move to the SECOND PARTY and all gains and losses earned or suffered, so start today belong to him or borne by the SECOND PARTY Article 3 What are sold / purchased under this Agreement to move into the handle of the SECOND PARTY in a seaworthy state (zoo waardig), and on terms that the SECOND PARTY in the future will not be filed claims whatsoever against the FIRST PARTY. Article 4 What are sold / purchased with this Agreement are free from mortgages and rights of other objects and also free from encumbrances. The FIRST PARTY SECOND PARTY ensure that the FIRST PARTY is the owner of what is sold with this deed , and the FIRST PARTY has the right to conduct this sale, that the FIRST PARTY has never sell anything that is sold with this deed to the other party, and the FIRST PARTY SECOND PARTY ensure that regarding the SECOND PARTY shall not inherit the demands of others who claimed to have prior rights advance or contribute to a right to what is sold with this deed. Article 5 of this Agreement as well as the cost of transfer tax and all costs relating to the delivery of what is sold by this Agreement to the SECOND PARTY, fines and other related the sale is entirely borne and paid by the SECOND PARTY. Article 6 In the event of a dispute between the Parties, it will be solved by consensus. If the deliberation can not be resolved, then the parties choose the law of the common domicile and remain in the Clerk's Office in Jakarta. So this Agreement is made ​​and signed by the Parties on the day, date, month, and year in the beginning of the Agreement, made ​​in duplicate sufficiently stamped and have the same legal force for each party.

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