TATA CARA MEMANTAU PEMILUHal yang harus dipersiapkan sebelum melakukan terjemahan - TATA CARA MEMANTAU PEMILUHal yang harus dipersiapkan sebelum melakukan Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan


Hal yang harus dipersiapkan sebelum melakukan pemantauan Pemilu

Yang harus dipersiapkan sebelum melakukan pemantauan pemilu adalah :
1. Membaca dan memahami Buku Panduan :
a. Pemantau wajib membaca Buku panduan Pemantauan Pemilu yang telah disiapkan. Pahami secara baik tentang hak, larangan dan kewajiban pemantau Pemilu, serta sanksi bagi pemantau yang
b. melanggar kewajiban dan larangan.
2. Membaca dan memahami Formulir Checklist Pemantauan :
a. Sebelum turun ke lapangan, pemantau wajib membaca dan memahami form checklist pemantauan.
b. Pemahaman yang baik terhadap checklist pemantauan akan sangat membantu untuk melakukan pemantau secara cepat terhadap proses yang detil di TPS dan PPS. Jika pemantau baru membaca dan berusaha memahami checklist pemantaun saat berada di TPS atau PPS maka sulit melakukan pemantauan secara cepat dan maksimal karena kejadian di TPS berlangsung secara cepat dan detil
3. Pastikan TPS dan PPS apa yang akan dipantau: Pemantau harus memastikan TPS dan PPS mana yang akan dipantau dan mengetahui persis lokasi TPS dan PPS tersebut sebelum hari pemantauan.
4. Komunikasi awal dengan KPPS dan PPS: Pemantau penting menjalin komunikasi awal dengan KPPS dan PPP untuk menyampaikan rencana pemantauan dan untuk mendapatkan informasi terkini tentang perkembangan persiapan pemilu di TPS dan PPS. Karena itu penting bagi pemantau untuk mengetahui nomor telepon para petugas KPPS dan PPS
5. Mencari informasi awal, informasi awal tentang perkembangan pemilu setempat bisa didapatkan langsung dari masyarakat, partai politik, organisasi masayarkat, tokoh-tokoh yang terkait atau melalui media massa dan lain-lain.
6. Pastikan telah memiliki Kartu Identitas Pemantau Pemilu
7. Pastikan telah memiliki Surat Tugas Pemantauan dari LTO

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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
HOW TO MONITOR ELECTIONSThings that must be prepared before conducting election observationThat must be prepared before conducting election observation are:1. Read and understand the Manual: a. Monitor the compulsory reading of election observation Handbook prepared. Understand them well on the rights, restrictions and obligations of observers to the elections, as well as sanctions for the monitor b. infringes the obligations and prohibitions.2. Read and understand the monitoring Checklist Form: a. Before going down to the field, compulsory reading and understanding form checklist monitoring.b. a good understanding towards the monitoring checklist will be helpful to do a fast process monitors the details in the polling stations and PPS. If the new monitor reading and trying to understand checklist pemantaun while in the POLLING STATION or PPS so difficult conduct monitoring quickly and maximally due to the events in POLLING STATIONS took place in a fast and detailed3. Make sure the TPS PPS and what will be monitored: Monitoring should ensure the TPS and PPS which will be monitored and knows exactly the location of POLLING STATIONS and the PPS before the days of monitoring. 4. the initial Communication with the KPPS and PPS: Monitor critical communication early with braiding KPPS and PPP to deliver monitoring plan and to get the latest information on the development of the preparation of the election in the polling stations and PPS. Because it's important to monitor to find out the phone number of the officers KPPS and PPS5. Seek information early, preliminary information on the development of the local elections can be obtained directly from the community, political parties, the Organization masayarkat, the corresponding figures or through the mass media and others.6. make sure has had identity cards Monitor Elections7. Be sure to have the task of Monitoring of LTO
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
It should be prepared before the election monitoring have to be prepared prior to election observation are: 1. Read and understand Handbook: a. Monitoring must read the handbook Election Observation that has been prepared. Understand well on the rights, restrictions and obligations of election observers, as well as sanctions for monitoring b. violation of the duties and restrictions. 2. Read and understand the Monitoring Checklist Form: a. Before you go to the field, monitors must read and understand the checklist monitoring form. b. A good understanding of the monitoring checklist will be helpful to conduct rapid monitoring of the process detailed in the TPS and PPS. If new monitors to read and try to understand the monitoring checklist while in TPS or PPS it is difficult to monitor due to rapid and maximum TPS events take place quickly and in detail 3. Make sure TPS and PPS what will be monitored: Monitoring should ensure TPS and PPS which will be monitored and determine the exact location of the polling stations and the PPS before the day of monitoring. 4. Beginning with KPPS and communication PPS: Monitoring is important to establish initial communication with KPPS and PPP to deliver a monitoring plan and to get the latest information about developments at the polling station election preparations and PPS. Because it is important for monitoring to know the phone number of the polling station officials and PPS 5. Seek initial information, preliminary information about the development of the local elections can be obtained directly from the public, political parties, organizations from the community, the figures related to or through the mass media and others. 6. Ensure that already have identity cards Election 7. Make sure has had a Monitoring Task Letter from LTO

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