Bismillah. Thank you already want waiting for me in the process some istikharah today.. And I've found the answer to a proposal of marriage that you convey. I get a decision that we can't be together to be married. There is no doubt in my heart that can not be missed. I assume it is an answer from God to istikharahku process ... I apologize to you with real ... Thank you already want to be friend of all along. Thank you already want to be the place to share my story so far. Thank you for everything. May Allah Azza Wa Exalted provide abundant recompense upon kebaikanmu ... I'm going OFF of FB. Don't know until when. But one day I will be back. Insha Allah At the moment I want to focus more on real life. And if you still want to be friends with me on FB then I will gladly accept it. But if you want to decide this friendship then why not. I could understand it. Insha Allah May you soon met with jodohmu. A Muslim woman sholehah that everything is much better than I. That fits with the hope of you during this time. Once again I'm sorry for all my fault you, and thanks for all the kebaikanmu. Jazaakallahu khairan katsiran.Barakallahu WA fiika. May you always be in the protection of Allah Azza Wa and exalted. Greetings
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