if the score of physics learning outcomes of students in the experimental class and control class categorized by categorizing physics student learning outcomes, it can be made frequency distribution table by category physics learning outcomes of students in the experimental class and the control class. the experimental class and the control class,frequency distribution data by category physics student learning outcomes can be seen in the following table.
frequency distribution table 4.2 is based on the category of physics learning outcomes of students in the experimental class and control class
Table 4.2 shows the frequency distribution by category physics student learning outcomes and the experimental class control class.on the table, it is seen that the learning outcomes are experimental physics class 1 with a percentage of 3.23% of the respondents were in the category of very low while the control class, there are 6 respondents with the percentage of 18.75% at a very low category. There are 3 classes of experiments on the percentage of respondents 9,68% were in the low category while the control class, there were 7 respondents with the percentage of 21.88% in the low category. the experimental class, there are 6 respondents with the percentage of 19.35% in the moderate category, while the control class, there were 13 respondents with the percentage of 40.63% in the moderate category.the experimental class, there are 18 respondents with the percentage of 58.06% in the high category, while the control class contained 5 with the percentage of 15.63% of respondents were in the high category. the experimental class, there are 3 respondents with the percentage of 9.68% in the very high category while the control class is 1 percentage of respondents with 3,13% are in the category of very high (the data can be seen in appendix C).
Frequency distribution by category physics learning outcomes of students in the experimental class and control class can be seen in the following diagram.
Figure 4.1 frequency distribution by category physics learning outcomes of students in the experimental class and control class
categories of learning outcomes based on the average score of physics learning outcomes of students in the experimental class and the control class in the following table.
Table 4.3 categories of learning outcomes based on the average score of physics learning outcomes of students in the experimental class and control class
Table 4 .3 shows the categories of physics learning outcomes based on the average score on the outcomes of learning physics experiment class and control class. the experimental class average score was 15 at the high category. the control class average score was 12 in middle category (the data can be seen in appendix C).
categories of learning outcomes physics based average score of physics learning outcomes of students in the experimental class and control class can be shown in the diagram below. diagram
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