Biografi Figure Skate“Kim Yuna”  Namanya Yuna Kim, ia adalah seorang f terjemahan - Biografi Figure Skate“Kim Yuna”  Namanya Yuna Kim, ia adalah seorang f Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Biografi Figure Skate“Kim Yuna” Na

Biografi Figure Skate
“Kim Yuna”

Namanya Yuna Kim, ia adalah seorang figure skate dari Korea Selatan. Wanita berbakat ini lahir di Bucheon, Gyeonggi-do, Korea Selatan pada tanggal 5 September 1990. Ia memiliki saudara perempuan bernama Kim Aera. Nama ayahnya adalah Kim Hyeon-seok dan ibunya bernama Park Mee-hee. Wanita multitalenta ini memiliki tinggi badan sekitar 165 sentimeter. Wanita yang suka dengan warna hitam ini (ada juga yang bilang ungu), ternyat tidak suka dengan wortel, seledri dan tomat. Walaupun seorang figure skating identik dengan musim dingin, tetapi ternyata Kim lebih menyukai dengan Musim Semi dan Musin Gugur. Wanita bergolongan darah O ini juga memiliki hobi layaknya orang biasa seperti mendengarkan musik terutama musik pop ballad dan sama seperti kebanyakan wanita Kim juga cukup menikmati belanja.

Walaupun Kim sibuk dengan semua latihan yang ia lakukan, tetapi ia tetap lebih mementingkan pendidikannya. Kim mengambil jurusan physical education di salah satu Universitas swasta di Korea Selatan yaitu Universitas Korea. Ia menyelesaikan kuliahnya selama kurun waktu yang tidak terlalu lama yaitu dari tahun 2009 hingga 2013 lalu.

Kim Yuna adalah juara dunia figure skate dan memecahkan rekor nilai terbaik sepanjang sejarah figure skate wanita. Tahun 2002, Kim mengikuti kompetisi internasionalnya yang pertama pada Triglav Trophy, saat ia memenangkan medali emas di kompetisi pemula. Setahun kemudian, ia menjadi atlet skate termuda yang memenangi South Korean Championship kategori senior. Di kompetisi internasionalnya yang kedua, Golden Bear of Zagreb, ia memenangkan kategori pemula.
Di musim 2004-2005, Kim memenangkan medali perak pada Junior Grand Prix Final 2004-2005. Medali perak yang didapatkan Kim adalah medali pertama yang didapatkan Korea Selatan di ajang figure skate. Di World Junior Championship 2005, ia kembali meraih medali perak.
Musim 2005-2006, Kim belum cukup umur untuk berkompetisi di Olimpiade Dingin 2006. Sebagai gantinya, ia berkompetisi di Junior Grand Prix 2005-2006 dan memenangkan kedua kompetisinya, baik di Bulgaria maupun Slovakia. Di Junior Grand Prix Final 2005-2006, ia memenangkan medali emas dengan keunggulan 28,34 poin. Pada World Junior Championship 2006, ia meraih medali emas, unggul atas Mao Asada yang kemudian menjadi kompetitor terkuatnya.
Kim menjalani debut seniornya di tahun 2006, mengikuti 2006 Skate Canada. Kim mempersiapkan musim debutnya sebaik mungkin, dengan berlatih intensif di Toronto, Kanada, sepanjang musim panas 2006.
Hasilnya langsung terlihat. Kim langsung menyorot perhatian karena meraih dua medali emas beruntun pada Grand Prix Final musim 2006-2007 (St. Petersburg, Rusia) dan 2007-2008 (Turin, Italia). Pada World Championship di Tokyo, short program Kim, Tango de Roxannce, meraih skor 71,95, tertinggi dalam sejarah penilaian standar sistem ISU. Namun, ia hanya meraih tempat keempat di long program, sehingga secara keseluruhan meraih posisi ketiga di bawah dua skater Jepang, Miki Ando dan Mao Asada.
Pada Cup of Russia 2007, Kim membuat rekor dunia untuk ladies long program dengan skor 133,7 poin, dengan menggunakan lagu dari pertunjukan musical Miss Saigon.Ia juga memenangkan short program sehingga ia dapat finis di posisi pertama secara keseluruhan, unggul 24.43 poin diatas peraih medali perak Yukari Nakano.
Musim 2008-2009, Kim merebut medali emas pade Skate America 2008, skating dengan lagu Danse Macabre untukshort program dan Sceherazade untuk free skating.
Kim berkompetisi di Four Continents 2009 di Vancouver, Kanada. Ia mencatat rekor dunia baru, 72,24 poin di short program dan berhasil medali emas. Belum puas dengan rekornya, pada World Championship 2009 yang digelar di Los Angeles, Kim melampaui rekornya sendiri dalam short program dengan poin 76,12 dan menang secara keseluruhan dengan poin 207,71, yang mana merupakan rekor baru dunia. Kim menjadi skater wanita pertama yang mencapai lebih dari 200 poin dibawah sistem penilaian ISU.
Februari 2010, Kim mengikuti Olimpiade Musim Dingin Vancouver 2010. Kim meraih skor teknik 44,7 dan skor komponen program 33,8 sehingga secara total meraih 78,5 poin untuk short program.Poin tersebut merupakan rekor Olimpiade dan rekor dunia sekaligus. 2 hari kemudian, Kim memecahkan rekor dunia lagi dengan total poin keseluruhan 228,56, memuluskan langkahnya untuk memenangkan medali emas pada Olimpiade Musim Dingin.
Pada 12 Oktober 2010, Kim diberikan penghargaan Sportswoman of the Year oleh Women’s Sport Foundation. Kim dipilih karena raihan-raihan luar biasanya.

Kemenangan yang telah di raih :
· Gold for 2006–2007 Grand Prix Final.
· Bronze for 2007 World Championships.
· Gold for 2007–2008 Grand Prix Final.
· Bronze for 2008 World Championships.
· Silver for 2008–2009 Grand Prix Final.
· Gold for 2009 Four Continents Championships.
· Gold for 2009 World Championships.
· Gold for 2009–2010 Grand Prix Final.
· Gold for 2010 Winter Olympic Games.
· Silver for 2010 World Championships.
· Silver for 2011 World Championships.
· Time's 100 Most Influential People in the World 2010.
· Sportswoman of the Year 2010 by Women's Sports Foundation.
· UNICEF International Goodwill Ambassador.
· Special Olympic Global Ambassador.
· Winter Youth Olympic Games Ambassador for Innsbruck 2012.

Hal hal yang perlu di teladani dari Yuna Kim.
· Mementingkan Pendidikan
Walaupun sudah punya karier luar biasa, namun ia sadar bahwa pendidikan adalah hal yang penting. Jurusan yang ia ambil adalah physical education, sesuai dengan minat dan bakatnya. Selain itu ia ingin fokus melatih skater junior Korea Selatan.

· Menginspirasi Generasi Baru
Figure skating bukanlah olahraga yang populer di Korea Selatan. Olahraga ini juga tidak murah, butuh sponsor besar untuk berlaga. Kim kesulitan untuk berlatih karena kurang biaya untuk membayar pelatihan dan menyewa tempat latihan. Kim bahkan tidak mampu untuk membeli sepatu luncur baru sehingga ia rentan cedera. Mengetahui hal tersebut, warga Korea mulai membantu Kim dengan meminta perusahaan besar Korea menjadi sponsornya. Sejak saat itu, finansial Kim terbantu dan ia bisa mengangkat figure skate Korea ke tempat yang lebih tinggi. Generasi baru Korea mulai mengenal skate dan skate menjadi cabang olahraga yang cukup populer sekarang di Korea.
· Memiliki kepekaan sosial tinggi

Pada Juli 2010, UNICEF mengumumkan bahwa Kim, yang sudah lama mendukung program UNICEF untuk kesejahteraan anak-anak dunia, diangkat sebagai Goodwill Ambassador terbaru. Selain itu tiap tahunnya ia memberikan donasi ke sejumlah yayasan.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
Biography Of A Figure Skate"Kim Yuna" Kim Yuna's name, he was a figure skate from South Korea. This talented woman born in Bucheon, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea on September 5, 1990. He has a sister named Kim Area. His father's name is Kim Hyeon-seok and his mother named Park Mee-hee. This multitalented woman has about 165 cm in height. Women who like this black color (there are also say purple), he says he doesn't like with carrots, celery and tomatoes. Although a figure skating is synonymous with winter, but turned out to be Kim's favor with the spring and Fall Season. The woman an O blood also have hobbies like regular people like to listen to music especially pop music ballad, and like most women Kim is also quite enjoy shopping.Although Kim was busy with all the exercise he did, but he still was more worried about his education. Kim majored in physical education at one of the private universities in South Korea's Korea University. He completed his studies during the period not too long i.e. from 2009 to 2013 and then.Kim Yuna is a world champion figure skaters and the best value for a record-breaking figure skate women throughout history. In 2002, Kim attended the first international competition at the Triglav Trophy, when he won the gold medal in the novice competition. A year later, he became the youngest skate athletes who won the South Korean Championship senior category. In the second international competition, the Golden Bear of Zagreb, he won the novice category.In the 2004-2005 season, Kim won a silver medal at the Junior Grand Prix Final in 2004-2005. Silver Medal obtained the first medal that Kim is obtained by South Korea in the figure skate. At the World Junior Championship in 2005, he again won the silver medal.2005-2006 season, Kim has not yet old enough to compete in the 2006 Winter Olympics. Instead, he competed on the Junior Grand Prix and won the 2005-2006 second kompetisinya, either in Bulgaria or Slovakia. At the Junior Grand Prix Final in 2005-2006, she won the Gold Medal with 28,34 points. At the World Junior Championship in 2006, he won the gold medal, winning over Mao Asada who later became competitors terkuatnya. Kim underwent his senior debut in 2006, following the 2006 Skate Canada. Kim prepares his debut season as best as possible, with intensive practice in Toronto, Canada, during the summer of 2006.Results are directly visible. Kim immediately highlight the attention since grabbing two gold medal streak at the Grand Prix Final in the 2006-2007 season (St. Petersburg, Russia) and 2007-2008 (Turin, Italy). In the World Championship short programme in Tokyo, Kim, Tango de Roxannce, grabbed a score, the highest in the history of 71,95 appraisal standards system issues. However, he only achieved fourth place in the long program, so the overall reach third position under two skater Miki Ando, Japan's Mao Asada.At the 2007 Cup of Russia, Kim made a world record for the ladies long program with a score of 133,7 points, using songs from the show musical Miss Saigon; He also won the short program so that he can finish in the first position overall, superior 24.43 points over silver medalist Yukari Nakano.The 2008-2009 season, Kim captured the gold medal at the 2008 Skate America later, skating with the song Danse Macabre untukshort programs and Sceherazade for the free skating. Kim competed at the Four Continents 2009 in Vancouver, Canada. He set a new world record, 72,24 points in the short program and managed a gold medal. Not satisfied with his record, at the World Championship 2009 held in Los Angeles, Kim surpassed his record on its own in the short program with 76,12 points and won overall with 207,71 points, which is the new world record. Kim became the first female skater to reach the more than 200 points under the scoring system issues.February 2010, Kim is following the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics. Kim earned a score of 44.7 techniques and program component score 33.8 so in total reached 78.5 points for the short program. These points are a record Olympic and world records at once. two days later, Kim broke the world record again with an overall points total of 228,56, smooth stride to win the gold medal at the Winter Olympics. On October 12, 2010, Kim was awarded Sportswoman of the Year by the women's Sports Foundation. Kim was chosen because of the team-scoring beyond the usual.The victory has been achieved: · Gold for 2006–2007 Grand Prix Final.· Bronze for the 2007 World Championships.· Gold for the 2007–2008 Grand Prix Final.· Bronze for the 2008 World Championships.· Silver for 2008-2009 Grand Prix Final.· Gold for the 2009 Four Continents Championships.· Gold for 2009 World Championships.· Gold for 2009-2010 Grand Prix Final.· Gold for 2010 Winter Olympic Games.· Silver for the 2010 World Championships.· Silver for the 2011 World Championships.· Time's 100 Most Influential People in the World 2010.· Sportswoman of the Year 2010 by the women's Sports Foundation.· UNICEF'S International Goodwill Ambassador.· Special Olympic Global Ambassador. · Winter Youth Olympic Games Ambassador for Innsbruck 2012. Things need to be exemplified from Yuna Kim.· Concerned With EducationAlthough it already had outstanding careers, but he is aware that education is the important thing. The courses he took was physical education, in accordance with the interest and talents. In addition, he wants to focus on training the South Korea junior skater.· Inspire A New Generation OfFigure skating is not a sport that is popular in South Korea. The sport is also not cheap, it took big sponsors to compete. Kim difficulty to practice because it is less cost to pay for training and hiring practice. Kim can't even afford to buy a new Skate so he is prone to injury. Knowing this, the citizens of Korea began to help Kim by asking for large companies, and paid into Korea. Since then, Kim helped financially and he could raise the figure skate Korea to a higher place. Korea began to recognize a new generation of skate and skate into sport is quite popular right now in Korea.· Have high social sensitivityIn July 2010, UNICEF announced that Kim, who has long supported UNICEF programmes for the welfare of the children of the world, was appointed as the latest Goodwill Ambassador. In addition every year he donates to a number of foundations.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Biography Figure Skate
"Kim Yuna" His name is Yuna Kim, he is a figure skate of South Korea. This talented woman born in Bucheon, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea on September 5, 1990. He has a sister named Kim Aera. His father's name is Kim Hyeon-seok and his mother Park Mee-hee. This multitalented woman has a height of about 165 centimeters. Women who like the color black (some say purple), ternyat not like carrots, celery and tomatoes. Although a figure skating synonymous with winter, but it turns out Kim prefers the Spring and Autumn Musin. Women with blood type O also has a hobby like ordinary people like listening to music, especially pop ballads and the same as most women Kim also quite enjoy shopping. While Kim was busy with all the training he did, but he is still more concerned with education. Kim majored in physical education at a private university in South Korea's Korea University. He completed his studies for a period not too long, namely from 2009 to 2013 and then, Kim Yuna is the world champion and record-breaking figure skate the best value in the history of figure skating women. In 2002, Kim followed the first international competition at the Triglav Trophy, when he won the gold medal in the novice competition. A year later, he became the youngest athlete to win a skate South Korean Championship senior category. The second international competition, the Golden Bear of Zagreb, she won the novice category. In the 2004-2005 season, Kim won the silver medal at the Junior Grand Prix Final 2004-2005. Kim earned the silver medal is the first medal in the event obtained South Korean figure skate. The World Junior Championship in 2005, he again won the silver medal. Season 2005-2006, Kim is not old enough to compete in the Olympics Cold 2006. Instead, he competed in the Junior Grand Prix from 2005 to 2006 and won the competition, both in Bulgaria and Slovakia , In the 2005-2006 Junior Grand Prix Final, he won the gold medal with 28.34 points advantage. At the World Junior Championship in 2006, he won the gold medal, ahead of Mao Asada who later became his strongest competitors. Kim underwent his senior debut in 2006, following the 2006 Skate Canada. Kim prepare for his debut season as possible, with intensive training in Toronto, Canada, during the summer of 2006. The results are immediately visible. Kim immediately panned attention since won two consecutive gold medals at the Grand Prix Final of the 2006-2007 season (St. Petersburg, Russia) and 2007-2008 (Turin, Italy). At the World Championship in Tokyo, Kim's short program, Tango de Roxannce, achieve a score of 71.95, the highest in the history of ISU standard grading system. However, he only won fourth place in the long program, so that the overall reach the third position in the bottom two Japanese skater, Miki Ando and Mao Asada. At the Cup of Russia in 2007, Kim made ​​a world record for the ladies long program with a score of 133.7 points, using songs from the musical show Miss Saigon.Ia also won the short program so he can finish in first position overall, ahead 24.43 points ahead of silver medalist Yukari Nakano. Season 2008-2009, Kim won the gold medal Pade 2008 Skate America, skating with Danse Macabre song untukshort program and Sceherazade for free skating, Kim competed in the Four Continents, 2009 in Vancouver, Canada. He noted the new world record, 72.24 points in the short program and successful gold medal. Not satisfied with his record, the World Championship 2009 that was held in Los Angeles, Kim surpass his own record in the short program with 76.12 points and won overall with 207.71 points, which is a new world record. Kim became the first female skater to reach more than 200 points below the ISU scoring system, in February 2010, Kim followed the Vancouver Winter Olympics 2010. Kim earned scores engineering program component score of 44.7 and 33.8 so that in total reach of 78.5 points for The short program.Poin an Olympic record and world record at the same time. 2 days later, Kim broke the world record again with a total of 228.56 points overall, paving the pace to win a gold medal at the Winter Olympics. On October 12, 2010, Kim was awarded the Sportswoman of the Year by the Women's Sport Foundation. Kim been extraordinary achievement-achievement. The victory that has been achieved: · Gold for 2006-2007 Grand Prix Final. · Bronze for the 2007 World Championships. · Gold for 2007-2008 Grand Prix Final. · Bronze for the 2008 World Championships. · Silver for 2008-2009 Grand Prix Final. · Gold for the 2009 Four Continents Championships. · Gold for the 2009 World Championships. · Gold for 2009-2010 Grand Prix Final. · Gold for 2010 Winter Olympic Games. · Silver for 2010 World Championships. · Silver for 2011 World Championships. · Time's 100 Most Influential People in the World 2010. · Sportswoman of the Year 2010 by the Women's Sports Foundation. · UNICEF International Goodwill Ambassador. · Special Olympics Global Ambassador. · Winter Youth Olympic Games Ambassador for Innsbruck 2012. things that need to look up from Yuna Kim. · Concerned Education Although it has had a remarkable career, but he is aware that education is important. Majors that he took was physical education, in accordance with the interests and talents. Besides, he wants to focus on junior skater coached South Korea. · Inspire New Generation Figure skating is not a popular sport in South Korea. This exercise is also not cheap, great sponsors need to compete. Kim difficulties in practice because of lack of funds to pay for training and hire a gym. Kim even can not afford to buy new skates so that he is susceptible to injury. Knowing this, Koreans began to help her by asking large companies Korea become a sponsor. Since that time, Kim helped financially and she could lift Korea's figure skating to a higher place. Korea's new generation began to recognize the skate and skate into a sport that is quite popular now in Korea. · It has a high social sensitivity In July 2010, UNICEF announced that Kim, who has long supported UNICEF programs for children's welfare, was appointed as the latest Goodwill Ambassador , In addition every year he gave donations to a number of foundations.

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