A. LATAR BELAKANG Kota Salatiga merupakan salah satu kota tertua di In terjemahan - A. LATAR BELAKANG Kota Salatiga merupakan salah satu kota tertua di In Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

A. LATAR BELAKANG Kota Salatiga mer

Kota Salatiga merupakan salah satu kota tertua di Indonesia. Kota kecil ini berdiri pada 24 Juli 750. Tanggal tersebut didasarkan pada Prasasti Plumpungan yang menunjukkan cikal bakal Kota Salatiga. Berdasarkan prasasti tersebut, Kota Salatiga berdiri pada tahun 750 dan menjadi wilayah perdikan. Pada prasasti berbentuk batu andesit besar ini tertulis ketetapan hukum tentang status tanah perdikan atau swatantra bagi Kota Salatiga. Tanggal 24 Juli lantas ditetapkan sebagai hari jadi Kota Salatiga oleh pemerintah daerah .
Sebelum masa reformasi, Salatiga berbentuk kotamadya. Baru pada tahun 1999, tepatnya dengan dikeluarkannya UU No. 22 tahun 1999 tentang Pemerintahan Daerah, Kotamadya Salatiga berubah menjadi Kota Salatiga. Hingga kini, Salatiga berstatus Kota meski dikelilingi oleh Kabupaten Semarang. Ya, Salatiga memang berada di tengah-tengah Kabupaten Semarang. Tak heran jika Salatiga kerap dianggap sebagai bagian dari Kabupaten Semarang . Kota Salatiga merupakan sebuah kota kecil. Sebelum terjadi pemekaran, Salatiga hanya memiliki satu kecamatan, yaitu Kecamatan Salatiga. Namun, akhirnya Salatiga mendapat perluasan wilayah dari Kabupaten Semarang. Pascapemekaran, kota ini hanya terdiri dari 4 kecamatan dan 22 kelurahan. Keempat kecamatan tersebut antara lain Kecamatan Sidorejo, Kecamatan Tingkir, Kecamatan Argomulyo, dan Kecamatan Sidomukti. Dengan luas sebesar 56,781 km2, Kota Salatiga menempati peringkat ke-18 sebagai kota terkecil di Indonesia.
Salatiga memiliki banyak julukan. Selain sebagai kota pendidikan, Kota Salatiga juga terkenal sebagai kota tua dengan banyak bangunan kuno, kota transit pariwisata, dan kota olah raga. Sebagai sebuah kota tua dan kota peristirahatan pada masa Belanda, tak heran jika bangunan tua banyak ditemukan di Salatiga, meski kini beberapa bangunan tua mulai dihancurkan dan diganti dengan bangunan-bangunan baru . Kota Salatiga juga dikenal sebagai kota transit pariwisata. Kota Salatiga juga dikenal sebagai kota transit pariwisata. berbagai lokasi wisata di kota-kota sekitar yang dekat dan bahkan melewati Salatiga, Kopeng, Ketep, Kebun Kopi Banaran, dan Rawa Pening (Kab. Semarang). Dari kota ini juga dengan mudah mencapai Solo dan Semarang yang penuh dengan tempat atraktif. Salatiga bisa menjadi tempat yang cocok untuk transit. Apalagi Salatiga didukung dengan iklim yang sejuk, tidak bising, namun fasilitas belum mencukupi.
Salatiga adalah sebuah kota di Jawa Tengah, Indonesia, yang terletak di antara kota Semarang dan Surakarta. Salatiga berada di kaki gunung Merbabu (3,142 m) dan Telomoyo, dan mempunyai iklim yang cukup sejuk karena letaknya tersebut.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
A. BACKGROUND Salatiga city is one of the oldest cities in Indonesia. The small town was founded on July 24, 750. These dates are based on the inscription Plumpungan showing the embryo town of Salatiga. According to the inscription, the city of Salatiga was founded in 750 and a fief. The inscription on this great stones in the shape of a written directive concerning the status of land a fief or autonomous for the town of Salatiga. July 24, was set as the day so Salatiga city by local governments. Before the Reformation, Salatiga municipality shaped. New in 1999, precisely with the promulgation of law No. 22 of 1999 on local governance, Salatiga Municipality turns into a city of Salatiga. Up to now, Salatiga City is still surrounded by Regency Semarang. Yes indeed, Salatiga is located in the middle of Semarang Regency. No wonder London is often considered part of Semarang. Salatiga city is a small town. Before going on the expansion, Salatiga has only one sub-district, namely the Town of Salatiga. However, eventually Salatiga got extended from Semarang. Pascapemekaran, it only consists of 4 districts and 22 wards. The four districts are among other Sub Sidorejo, Kecamatan Argomulyo, Tingkir, district and Sub-district Sidomukti. With an area of 56,781 km2, Salatiga city is ranked 18th as the smallest city in Indonesia. Salatiga has many nicknames. In addition to education, as the city of Salatiga city is also known as the old town with many old buildings, the city's tourism, transit and city sports. As an old city and a city of refuge in the Netherlands, no wonder if old buildings are found mostly in Salatiga, even though some of the old building began to be destroyed and replaced with new buildings. Salatiga city is also known as City transit tourism. Salatiga city is also known as City transit tourism. various tourist sites in cities and towns around nearby and even passing Kopeng, Salatiga, Ketep Banaran Coffee, the grounds, and the swamp Reel (Kab. Semarang). The city is also easily reach Solo and Semarang full of attractive places. London could be a suitable place for transit. Moreover, Salatiga is supported with a cool climate, not noisy, but the facility has not been adequate.Salatiga is a city in Central Java, Indonesia, located between the cities of Semarang and Surakarta. Salatiga is located at the foot of Mount Merbabu (3,142 m) and the climate, and have Telomoyo is a pretty cool because it is the.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Salatiga is one of the oldest cities in Indonesia. The small town was founded on July 24, 750. This date is based on Plumpungan Inscription showing the forerunner of Salatiga. Based on the inscription, Salatiga established in 750 and became a fief area. At shaped inscription is written large andesite legal provisions concerning the status of an autonomous fief or for Salatiga. July 24, then set as the anniversary of Salatiga by the local government.
Prior to the reform, Salatiga shaped municipality. New in 1999, precisely the Regulations No. 22 of 1999 on Regional Government, Municipalities turn into Salatiga Salatiga. Until now, the status of the City Salatiga although surrounded by Semarang District. Yes, Salatiga is located in the center of Semarang District. No wonder if Salatiga often regarded as part of Semarang District. Salatiga is a small town. Before the creation, Salatiga only have one sub-district, the District Salatiga. However, Salatiga finally got the expansion area of Semarang District. Pascapemekaran, the city consists of 4 districts and 22 villages. These four sub-districts include Sidorejo Subdistrict, District Tingkir, District Argomulyo, and District Sidomukti. With an area of 56.781 km2, Salatiga ranks 18th as the smallest city in Indonesia.
Salatiga has many nicknames. Aside from being a city of education, Salatiga is also famous as the old town with many ancient buildings, tourism transit, and sports town. As an old city and resort town in the Dutch period, I wonder if the old buildings are found in Salatiga, although now some old buildings began to be destroyed and replaced with new buildings. Salatiga is also known as a transit city tourism. Salatiga is also known as a transit city tourism. various tourist locations in cities around the close and even pass Salatiga, Kopeng, Ketep, Banaran Coffee Plantation, and Swamp Dizziness (Kab. Semarang). Of the city is also easily reached Solo and Semarang full of attractive places. Salatiga could be a suitable place for transit. Moreover, Salatiga supported with a cool climate, not noisy, but the facility is not sufficient.
Salatiga is a town in Central Java, Indonesia, which is located between the city of Semarang and Surakarta. Salatiga is located at the foot of the mountain Merbabu (3,142 m) and Telomoyo, and has a pretty cool climate due to the location.
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