a) Pilih mata bor yang benar sesuai dengan spesifikasi dari klien.b) P terjemahan - a) Pilih mata bor yang benar sesuai dengan spesifikasi dari klien.b) P Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

a) Pilih mata bor yang benar sesuai

a) Pilih mata bor yang benar sesuai dengan spesifikasi dari klien.
b) Pasang bit nozzle sesuai dengan spesifikasi dari pabrik.
c) Bersihkan ulir pada mata bor dengan menggunakan solar dan sikat pembersih.
d) Catat tipe, ukuran dan nomor seri mata bor. Driller akan mencatat informasi ini dalam tally book.
e) Pindahkan tutup lubang bor dan pasang bit breaker dan plat bit breaker seperti dalam Bagian 8 Pekerjaan 9 Penempatan/Pemindahan Mata Bor/Plat Penghancur. Tidak seorang pun diizinkan mengangkat/membawa bit breaker. Gunakan selalu air winch.
f) Gunakan katrol untuk memasukkan mata bor ke dalam bit breaker. Ini akan mencegah pemaparan ke tempat penjepitan antara mata bor dan bit breaker.
g) Minyaki ulir pada mata bor dan bit sub. Driller akan menurunkan travelling blocks sehingga bit sub bisa dipandu ke arah mata bor.
h) Kunci meja putar.
i) Gunakan top drive dalam sambungan untuk menyekrup mata bor.
j) Floorman harus mengunci kunci tong. Driller harus menggunakan tenaga putar perlahan-lahan pada tong. Ketika tong sudah bertekanan, Floorman harus meninggalkan area meja putar untuk menjaga kemungkinan sling putus.
k) Driller harus menggunakan tenaga putaran yang benar untuk mengebor sesuai dengan rekomendasi dari pabrik. Mata bor harus selalu diawasi selama proses ini untuk memastikan ia tidak keluar dari bit breaker. Jika keluar dari tong, collars dan lain-lain dapat terayun di atas lantai bor sehingga mengakibatkan kerugian serius pada personil dan peralatan. Gunakan air winch di bagian belakang pipa hingga tempat V-Door jika perlu.
l) Lepaskan kunci tong. Driller harus mengangkat travelling blocks agar bit breaker dan perlengkapan lain dapat dipindahkan.
m) Buka kunci meja putar.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
a) choose the correct drill in accordance with the specifications of the client.b) Install bit nozzle according to the specifications of the manufacturer.c) clean the screw in eye drill using solar and brush cleaner.d) Note the type, size and serial number eyes BOR. Driller will record this information in a tally book.e) move the lid hole drill bit and install the breaker and plate the bit breaker as in part 8 9 Job Placement/Transfer Drill/Plate of Crusher. No-one was allowed to lift/carry the bit breaker. Always use air winch. f) Use a pulley to put the eyes of drill bit into the breaker. This will prevent exposure to place clamping between eyes and bit drill breaker. g) screw on eye Juices drill and bit sub. Driller will decrease travelling blocks so that the bit can sub guided towards the eyes of drill. h) Locks the turntable.I) use the top drive in connection to menyekrup eyes of drill. j) must lock the Floorman key tong. Driller must use power play slowly on keg. When tong already pressurized, Floorman must leave the turntable area to keep the possibility of a sling broke. k Driller) must use the correct rotation of the power to drill in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer. The eyes of the drill should be always supervised during this process to make sure he is not out of the bit breaker. If out of the keg, collars and others can terayun on the floor drill resulting in serious losses in personnel and equipment. Use a winch on the back of water pipes to V-Door if necessary.l) release the key barrel. Driller must lift travelling blocks so that the bit breaker and other supplies can be moved. m) unlock the turntable.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
a) Select the drill bit right in accordance with the specifications of the client.
b) Replace bit nozzle in accordance with the specifications of the manufacturer.
c) Clean the screw on the drill bit by using solar and cleaning brush.
d) Write down the type, size and serial number of the drill bit. Driller will record this information in the tally book.
E) Remove the lid and attach the drill holes and plate-bit bit breaker breaker as in Part 8 Works 9 Placement / Removal Drill / Plat Destroyer. Nobody was allowed to lift / carry bits breaker. Always use a winch water.
F) Use pulley to insert the drill bit into the breaker. This will prevent exposure to the clamping area between the drill bit and bit breaker.
G) oiled screw on the drill bit and bit sub. Driller will reduce traveling blocks so that bit sub can be guided towards the drill bit.
H) Lock turntable.
I) Use a top drive in a screw connection to the drill bit.
J) should Floorman key lock barrel. Driller must employ twist slowly in the barrel. When the keg is already pressurized, Floorman must leave the area of the turntable to keep the possibility of sling broke.
K) Driller must use the correct torque to drill in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer. The drill should always be supervised during this process to make sure he does not get out of the bit breaker. If out of the barrel, collars and others can be swung above the drill floor, resulting in serious losses in personnel and equipment. Use water winch at the rear of the pipe up to a V-Door if necessary.
L) Remove the lock barrel. Driller must lift traveling blocks that bit breakers and other equipment can be moved.
M) To unlock the turntable.
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