Sinopsis film Now You See me Kisah dimulai dari seseorang yang misteri terjemahan - Sinopsis film Now You See me Kisah dimulai dari seseorang yang misteri Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Sinopsis film Now You See me Kisah

Sinopsis film Now You See me
Kisah dimulai dari seseorang yang misterius. Ia merekrut empat orang pesulap secara acak yaitu Jesse Elisenberg sebagai Daniel yang ahli dalam bermain kartu, Isla Fisher sebagai Henley yang ahli dalam permainan berbahaya, Dave franco sebagai Wilder yang ahli dalam permainan kecepatan tangan, dan Woody Harrelson sebagai Merrit yang ahli dalam hipnotis.
Mereka melakukan beberapa pertunjukan sulap yang sangat membuat para penonton berdecak kagum terhadap aksi mereka berempat. Pada pertunjukan pertama, mereka melakukan di Las Vegas yang bertema tentang merampok sebuah bank yang di lakukan dengan cara memanggil penonton secara acak yang jatuh kepada seorang laki-laki yang berasal dari Perancis dan memiliki rekening tabungan di bank Perancis. Hal ini membuat heboh penonton dan juga pihak kepolisian dari Perancis dan Las Vegas karena aksi pertunjukan mereka membobol berangkas uang di bank Perancis.
Mark Ruffalo yang berperan sebagai Dylan mendapat tugas untuk menangkap empat pesulap yang membuat kehebohan tersebut. Dylan di bantu oleh Melanie Laurent yang berperan sebagai Alma. Ia berasal dari pihak Perancis di tugaskan pula untuk menangkap keempat pesulap tersebut.
Pertunjukan kedua dilakukan di New Orleans. Tetapi Thaddeus yang di perankan oleh Morgan Freeman ingin sekali menggagalkan pertunjukan sulap mereka. Ia merekam pertunjukan keempat pesulap tersebut untuk dijual.
Pertunjukan ketiga terjadi di New York. Dylan dan Alma tetap berusaha memburu keempat pesulap tersebut tetapi mereka selalu gagal. Pada pertunjukan ketiga ini terjadi hujan uang di dalam ruangan tersebut tetapi uang tersebut adalah palsu dan uang aslinya ada di dalam mobil Thaddeus.
Thaddeus di jebak dan dianggap yang mencuri uang tersebut lalu ia di masukan kedalam penjara. Saat ia di penjara, ia dikunjungi oleh Dylan. Setelah dilakukan rekontruksi kejadian ulang, ternyata pesulap ke lima adalah Dylan sendiri. Keempat pesulap bertemu di Central Park untuk bertemu orang yang merekrut mereka satu tahun yang lalu dan ternyata ia adalah Dylan.
Di akhir film ini diketahui motifnya yakni dendam. Ternyata ayah Dylan adalah seorang pesulap yang pernah dibuka triknya dan di permalukan oleh Thaddeus. Di dalam pertunjukan terakhir, ayahnya Dylan dimasukakn kedalam peti dan di tenggelamkan ke sungai namun ayahnya tewas dan mayatnya tidak ditemukan. Arthur adalah pengusaha ansuransi yang menolak klaim kematian ayahnya serta bank di Perancis tidak mau untu mencairkan uang ayahnya tersebut. Dan perusahaan yang membuat peti tidak sesuai seperti yang diminta oleh ayahnya.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
A synopsis of the film Now You See me The story starts from someone who is mysterious. He recruited four people randomly magician i.e. Jesse Elisenberg as Daniel who is expert in playing cards, Isla Fisher as Henley of experts in dangerous game, Dave franco as the Wilder of experts in game speed, and Woody Harrelson as an expert in hypnosis Merrit. They do some very magic show to make the audience amazed berdecak lawsuit against all four of them. On the first show, they do in Las Vegas-themed about robbing a bank in doing by way of calling a random audience falling to a man who came from France and have savings accounts at the bank of France. This makes it Rookery audience and also the police from France and Las Vegas due to the action of the show they are breaking into berangkas money in French banks. Mark Ruffalo as Dylan got the task to capture four magician who made such a stir. Dylan on AIDS by Melanie Laurent who starred as Alma. It is derived from the French parties in the post anyway to capture fourth magician. The second performance was done in New Orleans. But Thaddeus who in perankan by Morgan Freeman wanted to thwart their magic show. He recorded the performances of the four the magician for sale. The third gig took place in New York. Dylan and Alma still trying to hunt down the magician fourth but they always fail. On this third gig going on raining money on indoors but the money was fake and the original money was in the car Thaddeus. Thaddeus in only and are considered stealing money then he's input into the prison. While he was in prison, he was visited by Dylan. After reconstruction, it turns out the genesis of the magician was Dylan himself. The four met at Central Park magician to meet people who recruit them one year ago and it turned out he was Dylan. At the end of the film known motive i.e. revenge. It turns out that the father of Dylan was a magician who once opened the trick and in Manchester by Thaddeus. In the show, her father Dylan dimasukakn into the crate and submerge in the river but his father was killed and his body was not found. Arthur is a ansuransi employers reject the claim of his father's death as well as the bank of France did not want to dilute the money his father. And the companies that make the crate does not comply as requested by his father.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Synopsis of the film Now You See me
The story starts from a mysterious person. He recruited four magicians randomly namely Jesse Elisenberg as Daniel is expert in playing cards, Isla Fisher as Henley who is an expert in the dangerous game, Dave Franco as Wilder who is an expert in the game of hand speed, and Woody Harrelson as Merrit who is an expert in hypnosis.
They do some magic show very makes the audience amazed to the actions of the four. In the first show, they perform in Las Vegas themed about robbing a bank which is done by calling a random audience who went to a man who came from France and have a savings account at the French bank. This makes the audience excited and also the police of France and Las Vegas because they show the action of breaking into berangkas money in French banks.
Mark Ruffalo who plays Dylan got a duty to arrest four magicians who make the fray. Dylan helped by Melanie Laurent who plays Alma. He came from the French side was assigned also to capture the four magicians.
Performing second was done in New Orleans. But Thaddeus is played by Morgan Freeman wanted to thwart their magic show. She recorded the fourth show magician for sale.
Performing the third took place in New York. Dylan and Alma still trying to chase the four magicians but they always fail. In this third show was raining money in the room but the money was counterfeit and the real money was in the car Thaddeus.
Thaddeus in traps and considered that stole the money and then he inserted into the prison. When he was in prison, he was visited by Dylan. After the reconstruction of the incident, apparently magician five is Dylan himself. Fourth magicians met in Central Park to meet the person who recruited them one year ago and it turned out it was Dylan.
At the end of the film the revenge motive is unknown. Dylan's father is a magician who never opened tricks and humiliated by Thaddeus. In the last show, her father Dylan dimasukakn into the crate and drowned into the river, but his father died and his body was not found. Arthur is the insurance entrepreneur who rejected claims his father's death as well as in the French bank does not want untu disburse the money his father. And the company that makes the crates are not suitable as requested by his father.
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