X; Hi, Y! What are you doing here?Y: Hello. I'm reading, of courseX: W terjemahan - X; Hi, Y! What are you doing here?Y: Hello. I'm reading, of courseX: W Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

X; Hi, Y! What are you doing here?Y

X; Hi, Y! What are you doing here?
Y: Hello. I'm reading, of course
X: What kind of the book that you read?
Y: Hm.. This book is for my project. have you finished yours?
X: Actually, I'm not ready yet. (Bukankah itu untuk dua minggu lagi?)
Y: You're right. (Tapi, lebih baik kerjakan sekarang sebelum tugasmu semakin banyak)
Librarian : Hey, (kalian berdua)! Shut up. Don't you know where are you now?
X+Y; I'm sorry, Madam
X: Hmm.. Yeah, (Aku mau). Thanks
Y: You're welcome
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
X; Hi, Y! What are you doing here?Y: Hello. I'm reading, of courseX: What kind of the book that you read?Y: Hm ... This book is for my project. have you finished yours?X: Actually, I'm not ready yet. (Isn't that for another two weeks?)Y: you're right. (But, it better do it now before the tugasmu more and more)Librarian: Hey, (both of you)! Shut up. Don't you know where are you now?X + Y; I'm sorry, MadamX: Hmm.. Yeah, (I want to). ThanksY: you're welcome
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
X; Hi, Y! What are you doing here?
Y: Hello. I'm reading, of course
X: What kind of the book that you read?
Y: Hm .. This book is for my project. have you finished yours?
X: Actually, I'm not ready yet. (Is not that for two weeks?)
Y: You're right. (But, better do it now before your job more)
Librarian: Hey, (both of you)! Shut up. Do not you know where are you now?
X + Y; I'm sorry, Madam
X: Hmm .. Yeah, (I want to). Thanks
Y: You're welcome
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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