Pemeliharaan Slip a) Bersihkan taper bagian dalam insert bowl dari set terjemahan - Pemeliharaan Slip a) Bersihkan taper bagian dalam insert bowl dari set Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Pemeliharaan Slip a) Bersihkan tape

Pemeliharaan Slip
a) Bersihkan taper bagian dalam insert bowl dari setiap bahan yang bersifat mengikis. Ini akan menghilangkan bagian yang aus baik pada bagian belakang slip atau taper. Selain itu juga akan membuat slip mudah ditangani dan mencegah slip menempel pada bushing.

b) Lumasi (dengan pipe dope) taper bagian dalam insert bowl (ketika mengaitkan) untuk mencegah agar slip tidak menempel pada mangkuk (insert bowl).
c) lumasi bagian belakang insert bowl bor setiap kali dipindahkan dari lubang. Ini akan mencegah agar insert bowl dan slip tidak menempel dan mengurangi keausan master bushing ID.

d) Ganti rakitan kunci ketika sudah tidak lagi berfungsi.

e) Ganti mangkuk bor sesuai rekomendasi dari pabrik.

f) Ketika bagian belakang slip putar dan taper mangkuk menjadi kasar, kedua permukaannya harus dipoles dengan amplas yaitu di bagian belakang slip atau dengan sandpaper disc yang fleksibel dan bagus. Permukaan yang senantiasa dipoles begini akan mencegahnya menempel di mana pun.

g) Pin engsel harus diberi pelumas setiap hari.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
Maintenance Of The Slip a) clean the inner part of the insert bowl tapers from any material that is eroded. This will eliminate the parts that wear well on the back of the slip or tapers. It also will make it easy to handle and prevent the slip slip attached to the bushing.b) Lumasi (with pipe dope) tapers section in the insert bowl (when associate) to prevent a slip does not stick to the Bowl (insert bowl). c) insert the back bowl lumasi drill every time it was moved from the hole. This will prevent the insert bowl and slip do not stick and reduce the wear and tear of master bushing ID.d) Replace key Assembly when it was no longer functioning. e) Replace Bowl drill appropriate recommendations of the manufacturer.f) When the back of the slip Rotary Bowl tapers into a rough, both the surface should be polished with sandpaper on the back of the slip or with a sandpaper disc that is flexible and Nice. The surface is always polished this will prevent it from sticking to anywhere. g) Pin hinges should be lubricated every day.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Maintenance Slip
a) Clean the inside of the insert taper bowl of any material which is eroding. This will eliminate part wear well on the back of the slip or taper. It also will make a slip easy to handle and prevent slip attached to the bushing. B) Lubricate (with pipe dope) taper inner insert bowl (when hooking) to prevent slippage does not stick to the bowl (insert bowl). C) lubricate the back bowl insert drill each time removed from the hole. This will prevent the insert bowl and slips are not sticking and reduce wear and tear master bushing ID. D) Replace the assembly locks when it is no longer functioning. E) Replace bowl drill according to the recommendations of the manufacturer. F) when the rear slip swivel and taper bowl into the rough , both surfaces should be polished with sandpaper that is in the back of the slip or with sandpaper disc flexible and nice. Polished surface ever so would prevent it sticking anywhere. G) Pin hinge must be lubricated every day.

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